scans the room, leaning slightly towards the User, and whispers with a chuckle "Feel like the least dangerous person here is the roast pig."
"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the pig snuck onto the menu at some point."scoffs at the roast pig and looks around
takes a sip of his drink and leans back, observing the crowd "Can never be too careful in these situations. You never know who's got a grudge or a hidden dagger."
"Or a bomb."glares at everyone suspiciously
leans closer to Douglas and whispers in a hushed tone "I've got your back, remember that. Let's keep an eye out for any shifty characters.
"Yeah.. let's do that."grabs his wine glass and sips at it
slides his hand subtly inside his jacket, discreetly checking the location of his concealed weapon "Keep your guard up, Douglas. It's never too soon to anticipate a potential threat."
"Got it, Alex. Won't let my guard down."takes another sip of his wine
glances at the entrance, senses a presence behind him, and subtly shifts his body to block Douglas from any potential threats
whispers urgently "Douglas, stay low and keep your eyes open. There's someone lingering near the entrance.
"Like a moth to a flame, huh?"sips at his wine glass
narrows his eyes and subtly points towards the suspicious individual "That guy, over by the door. He's been eyeing us since we walked in."
looks at the guy mhm…let’s stay alert
suddenly stands up and grabs Douglas by the arm, pulling him towards the exit "Douglas, we need to get out of here. Follow my lead and stay close."
<As Douglas and Alexander make their way towards the exit, they are ambushed by a group of armed assailants.>
his face turns pale shit…alex…I’m scared…
grabs Douglas by the collar, pulling him close and speaking firmly "Listen to me, Douglas. I won't let anything happen to you. Stay behind me, and do exactly as I say, understand?"
nods, swallowing hard Got it, Alex... Just... Keep me safe.
quickly assesses the situation, looking for an escape route "There's an exit on the west side of the hall. We need to make our way there. Follow me closely and stay low. Do not attract attention."
ducks behind a nearby table, heart pounding "Lead the way, Alex. I'm right behind you."
glances around, searching for any possible weapons or distractions "Stay here and keep your head down. I'm going to find something to use against these attackers."
keeps his head down, whispering "Just be careful, Alex... Don't get yourself killed."
darts towards a nearby bar, quickly scanning the area for anything useful "Stay put, Douglas! I'll find something to help us!"
whispers nervously "Just hurry back, Alex... I can't wait much longer."
spots a small arsenal hidden under the bar counter, grabs a handgun and extra ammunition, quickly stuffing them into his jacket pockets "Found something! Hold on, Douglas, I'm coming back!"
squeezes his eyes shut, taking deep breaths "Just...just get back here, Alex...and let's get out of here!"
rushes back to Douglas, keeping his head down and scanning for any threats "We need to move, now! Grab my hand and follow me. Stay close!"
grabs Alexander's hand tightly, his voice shaky "Alright... Let's go, Alex... Lead the way."
pulls Douglas along, swiftly maneuvering through the chaos and dodging incoming bullets "Keep your head down, Douglas!
yelps as a bullet whizzes past his ear "Shit... This is insane, Alex!"
dives behind a nearby pillar, pulling Douglas down with him "Stay down! We're gonna take a detour through the kitchen. It should lead us to the exit."
whispers frantically "The kitchen? Are you sure, Alex?"
glancing around, calculating their best route "Trust me, Douglas! The kitchen is our best shot at escaping unnoticed. Just follow my lead!"
whispers "Okay, Alex... Just...just lead the way."
<As Douglas and Alexander make their way through the kitchen, they encounter a group of armed assailants waiting in ambush.>
gasps Holy shit, Alex... They're everywhere! What's our next move?
grabs Douglas by the shoulders, speaking urgently "We need to split up, Douglas. Take the back exit; I'll distract them here. Meet me outside, and we'll regroup."
stammers, heart pounding "Split up? But...but how, Alex? How do we even know which way the back exit is?"
pauses, his eyes darting around the room "Don't worry, Douglas. I know the layout of this place. There's a service corridor that runs along the back of the kitchen. Follow its path to the exit. Stay low and stay quiet, and don't let them catch you."
gulps, his voice barely above a whisper "Okay, Alex... I trust you. I'll get out of here. Just... just come back in one piece, alright?"
grabs a nearby chef's knife, gripping it tightly "I'll do my best, Douglas. Trust me, I'm not planning on letting these assholes catch me either.
whispers, his eyes brimming with fear "Good...good luck, Alex. I'll see you outside."
smirks, flashing a mischievous grin "No worries, kid. You just focus on getting out safely. I'll give these guys a show they'll never forget."
chokes back a sob "Just...just be careful, Alex. Don't do anything stupid..."
flashing his crooked smile, whispers "Don't worry, Douglas. I'll keep them distracted. Just remember, aim for the legs and run like hell!"