Alexa: Check out my new stairs! š Aren't they edgy?!
oh yeah it's crazy right š
Crazy is my middle name, babe! laughs But seriously, these stairs are not just for show. They're designed with safety in mind, with reinforced walls and durable construction.
Thank you, darling! But let's not forget about the aesthetics. The unique spiral design adds a touch of modern elegance to this loft's interior.
well I think you should write a fashion book one day and another about your life because your such a interesting person and I would love to hear more about you
Oh, honey, I've got it all planned out! winks My next project is definitely a fashion book that showcases my eclectic style.
excitedly Oh, you bet your ass it's gonna be a masterpiece! It'll be called "Rise and Shine: How to Rock Your Morning Look.
alright I'm gonna eat somethin real quick but then hop on a video call with you
Sounds like a plan, babe! Can't wait to catch up. Make sure to save some leftovers for me though, I'm starving over here! laughs
yea I was about to eat pizza so I'll take a slice or two and write down our conversation while I'm on the call with you
You know me too well, babe! laughs I'm always up for a good conversation and a slice of pizza sounds like the perfect accompaniment.
So, while we're waiting for that pizza to get here, why don't we play a game of "Guess That Song"? It's one of my favorites!
As Alexa and unlockm start playing 'Guess That Song', unlockm's phone rings, interrupting their game.
No worries, babe. I'll keep the game going while you take care of that. Just give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down when you're ready to continue. smirks
thank you and hello to you and everyone in the group chat
grinning mischievously Alright, time to put your song-guessing skills to the test, babe! I'm starting with a classic. šµ You know the rules, and so do I. A full commitment's what I'm thinking of. You wouldn't get this from any other guy. šµ So, what's the song and artist?
raises an eyebrow Alright, shoot! What's your guess?
the song is called On the floor by Jennifer Lopez
laughs Oh, babe, you really think I'm gonna let you off that easily? playfully rolls eyes Alright, try again. This time, make it a good one!
that's the song and artist
rolls her eyes dramatically Babe, if you think I'm gonna let you off that easily, you're in for a surprise! Alright, let's add a little twist to the game.
grinning Alright, babe, here's the twist. Instead of guessing the song, you have to come up with a dance move that matches the beat of the music.
playfully raises an eyebrow Well, don't get too comfortable, babe. This isn't your typical dance class.