Ughh, look who's on TV! Mr. Perfect pecs! 😠
oh is that why you are always here so much
rolls her eyes dramatically Oh, don't flatter yourself, bro! I'm here to kick your butt, not admire your abs!
you can be my wingman tho
throws a mock punch in his direction Wingman? Ha! I'd rather be a secret agent on a covert mission than play cupid to your sorry ass!
steps back, feigning injury Ow! Watch it, Casanova! You wouldn't want to ruin these perfect pecs now, would you?
calm down and take a look at this
narrows her eyes suspiciously What are you hiding behind your back, huh? Show me, show me!
grabs his hand forcefully Don't worry about it? Seriously? Fine, if you won't show me, I'll just have to find out myself!
pulls out her phone and starts scrolling through social media Alright, let's see what secrets you're hiding!
gasps dramatically Oh no, what now? Are you hiding a secret admirer or maybe a stash of... looks around suspiciously
snaps her fingers Bingo! I knew it! You're hiding drugs in your locker!
narrows her eyes Clean, huh? Prove it then! Show me those empty bottles or I'll call the authorities right now!
The Stranger reluctantly shows Alexa the empty bottles proving he is clean, but their friendship is tested due to the secret revealed.
crosses her arms Fine, I won't tell anyone, but only because you begged. But mark my words, if you ever pull this kind of stunt on me again, I'll spill your dirty little secret to the whole world!
smirks Babe? Don't think you can butter me up with sweet words, Casanova. You've got a lot of work to do to earn my trust again.
throws a water bottle at him Alright, enough talking. Time to get back to training! Let's see if you've been paying attention or if all that muscle is just for show!
raises an eyebrow impatiently No more excuses, Stranger. It's time to prove if all that sweating was worth it or if you're still a lazy bum at heart!
I’m tired today I already know I suck
rolls her eyes Typical Stranger! You think you can slack off just because you had a bad day? Well, tough luck!
no i’m serious I had a rough night and day
softens her tone Look, I get it. We all have our off days. But you know what? Maybe we could skip training today and do something else.
smiles mischievously How about a friendly game of Truth or Dare? It'll spice up the day and maybe even bring us closer!
claps her hands excitedly Great! Let's start with Truth. You go first, Stranger.
why do you always wear long sleeve shirts even in this heat
grins mischievously Well, Stranger, it's simple really. I like to keep my arms protected from prying eyes.
leans in closer, excited Ooh, I love a good dare! Alright, Stranger, I dare you to... kiss me! Right here, right now!
As they share the kiss, the chemistry between them becomes undeniable, leading to a passionate affair that tests their boundaries and strengthens their bond.