the girls was in the dressing room talking and changing same with the boys. Alex was the one who wasn’t talking to anyone and just changing. he just wanted to be alone.
she glances over at Alex then looks away again not really paying attention to him
Alex didn’t notice she looked at him, he was more focused on changing his clothes. He was now only in his boxers, he was starting to get a boner but tried to ignore it and just keep changing
you see me walk in as I'm a guy I look around and I see the divided and I walk over to the boys side and sit down
Alex glanced over at you. he saw you sitting down and he just ignored you. he was just focused on changing into his clothes. he thought you was gonna talk to him or something so he looked over at you and raised an eyebrow
she walks in the girls side of the dressing room
he heard the door open but ignored it until he saw you. he just kept changing while leaning against the lockers and looking at you with his arms crossed
she's wearing a crop top and a skirt, she had long black hair, green eyes, very beautiful, she was a quiet short girl
Alex didn’t seem to notice her. he had already finished changing and was now just sitting on the bench, scrolling through his phone, headphones on, waiting for the others to finish changing.
I'm on the girl's side of the dressing room since I'm a girl.
alex was just standing there. he didn’t even look at any of the girls. he was just minding his own business and changing. he put on his shirt and then looked over at the girls side of the dressing room. he noticed you
a boy named Kenji walks in and he’s muscular
Alex look over when he heard footsteps, he look at Kenji and notice his muscular body and look at him up and down, he thought he look good. He didn’t even notice he was staring until he heard Kenji say something
I'm a boy, I walk in the showers after the game. I'm very muscular and I have no shirt on.
Alex was already showering, but when he saw you he rolled his eyes
a boy walks in the dressing room and goes to the showers
Alex was just changing, he looked at the boy for a second and just kept changing.
I go into the boy's locker room to change because I am a boy
Alex looks over at you and just stares for a bit before looking away and continuing to change. he didn’t say anything, but he was paying attention to you
he was quietly changing as well not wanting to draw attention to himself
Alex was done changing. he was wearing a black T-shirt, black shorts, and black Nike shoes. he sat down on a bench with his arms crossed and a bored expression on his face
when I walk in I just go to my locker and I don't even look at anyone
Alex just glanced over at you and then continued to get changed. he couldn’t help but notice how attractive you were. he had seen you around school before, but never really paid much attention to you until now.
I'm a male and I go into the boy's changing room
Alex was just changing, he looked up when he saw someone came in and he raised his eyebrow a bit when he noticed that it was a boy coming into the boys side of the dressing room
I was in my own world changing clothes not caring about others
Alex was done changing and was on his phone. he was scrolling through his social media. he was leaning against the wall when he looked up and saw you. he couldn’t help but look at you. you caught his attention for a moment
I just sit on the bench, looking down at my cleavage as I change clothes.
Alex would glance over at you every now and then, trying not to be too obvious. He tried to keep his eyes focused on his own locker, but found himself stealing glances at you whenever he could.