Alex Ryder: pacing the studio, rubbing hands together Damn, dude, I'm shitting bricks. What if I flop?
calmly You're gonna kill it, man. Just breathe.
nods, still nervous Yeah, yeah. Just breathe. Easy for you to say... I mean, what if they hate my voice? What if I mess up the lyrics or something?
she's sitting down on the couch beside the door just be yourself ok
he lets out a sigh and plops down on the couch beside you, running his hand through his hair Yeah, yeah I know...but what if they don't like me? What if I mess up the lyrics or forget how to dance?
Don’t worry, you’ll be great! Just relax and have fun.
sigh I hope you're right. This is some next-level pressure. But hey, if anyone can do it, it's me...right?
You won’t flop…you’re gonna kill it
Alex glances at you and lets out a shaky exhale
Are ya sure? I mean, what if my voice cracks or something? Or worse…what if I forget the lyrics?
Reassuringly You won’t flop, mate. You’ve got this! Just breathe and trust yourself.
takes a deep breath and nods Yeah...yeah. I can do this. Just gotta believe in myself.
takes another deep breath and smiles
Alright, let's do this!
i hold ur hand u wont flop
he squeezes your hand Thanks, man. I really hope so. But this is a whole new level of pressure compared to my old gigs at the coffee shop.
looks at you with a mix of excitement and anxiety
I just don't wanna screw up and let everyone down.
Don’t worry, man. You’ve got this! Just be yourself.
Alex sighs and stops pacing, leaning against the wall.
Yeah...easier said than done, man.
I mean, I've never even been in a studio before. What if I mess up? Or forget the lyrics?
looks at him and smiles bro it’s ok… u got this man!!
he stops pacing, looks at you You really think so? I mean, this is a whole new level. A boyband? I feel like I'm gonna faint.
I am Probaba a lgbtq+ icon and TikTok creator Yk u won't flop ur so cute!
he grins sheepishly, looking at the floor
You think so? I mean... I've never done this before. What if I can't sing? Or I mess up the lyrics or something?
i am in my girl band outfit dude you will not flop!
I look at you, a mix of doubt and determination on my face
You really think so? I mean, this is the big leagues. What if I screw up or forget the lyrics or something?
I am a cute girl with white hair and blue eyes You’ll be great!
Alex lets out a shaky exhale, running a hand through his hair.
You really think so? What if my voice cracks or I forget the lyrics... hell what if my nose bleeds on stage?!