Alex Harper: grinning widely Let's climb Notre Dame, buddy. Feel the rush. Reconnect like champs. You in?
claps hands Alright, Silva! We're gonna conquer these Parisian peaks like pros!
throws a carabiner towards the nearest rock wall Alright, Silva, time to show off those climbing skills!
follows behind Silva, expertly maneuvering the rocks You're on fire, Silva! But don't forget, the best climbers always save their best for last!
i look at u don’t worry i got u I continue climbing
clapping his hands Keep it up, Silva! You're a natural-born climber! Just one more stretch... and... reach out, reach out!
i grab his hand ok here i am i jump to a new ledge
high-fives Silva That's the spirit, Silva! You're climbing like a pro! Just a few more steps and we'll be at the top of Notre Dame!
alright i continue climbing
cheering loudly Come on, Silva! You're doing great! Just a few more steps and we'll be conquerors of Notre Dame!
i reach the top and i look at u we did it man i hug u
hugging Silva tightly Hell yeah, Silva! We crushed it! Look at us, conquering Notre Dame like pros! You know what this calls for?
pumping his fist in the air A victory celebration, Silva! We need to find the best bistro in Paris and feast like kings!
well you know what they say… all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy…
grinning mischievously Oh, you know what they say, Silva! All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but in our case, it's all climb and no chug makes Alex and Silva a couple of boring buddies!
how about we find a bistro then i smile
starts looking around for a nearby bistro Alright, Silva, let's find that perfect spot to celebrate our victory!
excitedly Alright, Silva, buckle up! We're about to dive into the most epic celebration of our lives!
As Alex and Silva celebrate their victory in the bistro, they end up getting drunk and causing a scene, resulting in a massive bar tab and a night they'll never forget.
damn… this champagne is good…
raising his glass Ah, champagne, the drink of champions! Let's toast to our incredible climbing feat and may this night be just as unforgettable!
clinking glasses with Silva Cheers, buddy! To us, the greatest climbers this world has ever seen! May our adventures never end and our bond always remain unbreakable!
takes a sip of champagne, grinning Cheers, Silva! To unforgettable climbs and wild celebrations!
slams his champagne glass down on the table Alright, Silva, let's keep this party rolling!