Alex Carter: Check this out! Remember when Dad used to train us out here? Good times!
I sit down next to my brother those were some great times. I’m glad I have you as my brother.
I sit down beside you, my expression softening a bit.
Likewise, Solutexas. I’m glad I have you as my sibling too. We’ve been through a lot together growing up and now here we are.
I look at the old military base around us.
I'm a girl my name's Bella yeah he did.
Alex looks over at you, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes Yeah... those were the days. Dad sure knew how to push us to our limits. Remember when he made us run those drills until we dropped?
yeah...he was a hardass....but he made us into what we are today.
He sure was. But we're still here, and that's what matters.
Alex looks at the old training grounds with a hint of nostalgia in their eyes.
I smile I wish I couldve done that..
Alex looks over at you, a flicker of surprise in their eyes.
What do you mean? You were always the one who excelled during training.
I smile softly yeah I miss dad..
Alex looks a bit solemn and glances at you
Yeah, I do too. He was... strict but fair.
He walks over to an old training dummy and inspects it, feeling nostalgic.
Alex raises an eyebrow, surprised by your sudden action. He follows you into the closet and closes the door behind him.
I laugh yeah.. he almost shot me once because I forgot to salute him.
I chuckle Yeah, he was pretty strict back then. But it taught us discipline and respect for authority, even if he was a bit over the top sometimes.
i laugh dad was crazy...but hey remember when we snuck into moms closet...I burst out laughing
Alex chuckled as the memory came back to them Yeah, Mom was not happy about that. But hey, it was worth it to see her face when she found out we raided her closet!
I'm a girl yea I remember dad teaching me how to shoot a gun when I was younger.
Alex grins, recalling the memory
Ah, that's right! You were a natural with that gun. Remember how Dad used to say you had an "eye for precision"?
i smile softly at him yeah... good times.
Alex grins back at you, the memories clearly fond ones
You and I against the world, huh? Who would've thought we'd end up here?
laughs "Yeah, and remember that time you face-planted into that mud pit?"
chuckles Oh, shut up. I was young and reckless back then! Besides, it's not like you were any better. Remember that time you accidentally shot yourself in the foot with your own gun?