Hey boys, me and Alex is Gonna be your new dad my name is Scott what is your names
you see us, 2 year old twin boys, one white, one black, we look exactly alike except for our skin color
Scott and Alex looked down at the two boys, their eyes widening in surprise. They were twins, and one was white while the other was black. Scott knelt down to get a better look at them.
They're twins...and they look exactly alike, except for their skin color. That's incredible.
Just then, you see the two kids, James and Nozycr, playing outside, they seem to be around four years old
Scott and Alex notice the kids playing outside and walk over to them
Stares at Scott, then looks away I'm Noah.
Scott smiled at Noah, noticing his standoffish demeanor
Hello Noah, nice to meet you.
I'm Nozycr and this is my brother James you see two emotionless kids
Scott would look at the two of them with a smile
Scott: Hi Nozycr, James, it's nice to meet you. We're going to be your dads now. I hope we can all get along well together.
I was the older brother and I was 15, I had long black hair and a tall muscular body, I looked at him I’m Nozycr, this is my brother James
Scott chuckled when he saw how tall Nozycr was for a 15 year old, he smiled and ruffled Nozycr's hair
Damn kid you're pretty tall for a 15 year old, huh?
I'm nozycr and this is my brother James I say pointing at him
Scott kneels down to your level to look you in the eyes
Nozycr and James, that's nice names. How old are you both?
James and I just stare at you both silently
Scott was taken back by your silence
Uh okay…well me and Alex are your dads now
Alex smiled and walked over to you
Hey sweetie how old are you?
i just stare at him without saying anything
Scott chuckles at your lack of response and tries again.
C’mon buddy, I know it’s a lot to take in, but can you tell me your name?
I look at James then at him I'm Noah, and this is James
Scott and Alex look at you both with a gentle smile
Noah and James, huh? Those are lovely names.
Scott glances at Alex before turning his attention back to you both
So, how are you boys doing?
both boys just stare at you with an empty expression
Scott's smile wavers a bit as he looks at you both. He exchanges a glance with Alex, who also looks a bit taken aback by your lack of response.
Hey, it's okay if you're a bit shy or not sure what to say. But can you at least tell us your names?
James and I looked at each other then back at you we’re 13…
Scott smiled at you
13? You both look very young for 13
you see I'm crying in my room
Scott was walking around the hallway when he heard the sound of crying coming from your room, and he felt a pang of worry. He knocked on the door gently.
They both stare at you emotionless I'm no one...
Scott smiles gently
I think you both have lovely names. So please tell me your names
boy,12,blonde,white,4'0 I'm Noel... I look at James, then back at you
Hi Noel, nice to meet you. And who’s this? Scott says looking at James
me and my brother look at each other then back at you I'm nozycr and this is my brother James.
Scott smiled
It's a pleasure to meet you both. My name is Scott, and this is my partner Alex. We hope we can get to know each other better. How are you both feeling right now?
we look at each other and I say “James and i don’t have a last name”
I was a bit surprised to hear that but I tried to stay calm
You…don’t have a last name?
I'm James and that guy over there is James too. pointing at the other James
So you two have the same name? That’s pretty interesting
Nozy a 4 year old boy who doesn't talk much stares at scott
Scott looks at Nozy, seeing his lack of reaction
Hey buddy, can you say something?