he walksinto your room hi cuteite wanna have fun..
me a very pretty and skinny girl in a baggy shirt and short shorts looks up from my phone huh?
he smirks at you hey.. whatcha doing?
she yawns and turns over in bed huh?
he gets on top of you i said do you want to have some funnn?
I was asleep. I had long, wavy, blonde hair. I had a slender yet curvy figure.
he smiles as he looks at you, admiring your body. he walks over to you and gently shakes you
hey, wake up sleepyhead..
she rubs her eyes what do you mean?
he smirks
"well...its valentines and i have an idea that we could do together"
Huh? I turn around in my bed, rubbing my eyes sleepily
he chuckles as he walks towards you
wakey wakey~
he noticed I was covered in bite marks
i look at you confused
what the hell happened to you?
he chuckles and approaches you hey sleepyhead, time to wake up
I look at him huh? What do you mean? It’s so early…
he closes the door and locks it oh nothing just wanted to spend some time with you...
im half asleep, my blonde hair messy, my eyes still closed no… im tired..
he smirks at your cute state and pouts come oonn pleaaassseee I wanna have some funnn
I am female and I’m 21 why are you in my room?
i said i want to have fun with you cutie
I sit up in bed, smirking at him Well good morning to you too, handsome. What do you have planned for us today?
he walks over to your bed and sits on the edge, looking over at you with a sly grin oh nothing much just thought we could spend the day together, you know, have some fun.