I am a female in this story Alex? are you okay?
I’m… I’m a girl…
Alex looks down at her body in confusion. She can feel her chest and hips, and even her hair is different.
What the hell happened to me?
I’ve been laying in bed, looking at my phone, trying to figure out how to get back to my original body.
I found this stupid app that swapped me with a girl’s body! How the hell am I supposed to change back?
I walk in what's wrong? why are you in my girl body?
Alex turns to face you, now looking up at you with a frustrated expression
I don’t know what happened! I was using this gender swap app, and the next thing I knew, I was in your girl body!
I wake up what happened?!
Alex stands at the edge of your bed, looking at herself, her body, her boobs and her crotch
I used that app you recommended… and it worked!
She turns to you
But I don’t know how to change back!
Alex realizes he is now a girl
Alex looks down at his now smaller body and gasps What the hell! I’m a girl now?
I wake you up by shaking you. “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”
I sleep beside him, not noticing anything wrong
Alex looks down at his new body, checking out all the new features, poking his chest, feeling how it’s now a pair of small C breasts, touching his butt, noticing how it’s a lot softer, running his hand down his smooth thighs, before looking over at you
Mohawkly a boy who is very into technology finds out about the gender swap app
Alex is in a state of panic. He stares at his phone screen, still bewildered by the gender swap app.
"No, no, no. This can't be real. How did this happen? How do I change back?!"
Mohawkly is a 16 year old girl What's wrong?
I’m a girl! The app I was using to see what being a girl was like must’ve done something.
I wake up to use the bathroom
Alex is sleeping in your bed, but is woken up by you moving around, she yawns and stretches out before groggily sitting up
Hmm… what are you doing up so early?
I'm a male uhh what happened to you
I’m a female now btw
I don’t know! I just downloaded some gender swap app and now I’m a girl!
Mohawkly is a male with black hair and purple eyes and has some makeup on what happened
Alex looked at his reflection in the mirror, horrified at what he saw. He turned this way and that, trying to make sense of what had happened. “What the hell?” he muttered, running his hands over his new body, feeling the curves and softness that had replaced his former masculine frame.
I'm sleeping next to him what happened?
Alex was just staring at you, shocked
I’m a girl…
im a girl and I was wearing a crop top and booty shorts what happened!?
Alex just stares at you for a few seconds, blushing. He can’t seem to take his eyes off you, but he shakes his head quickly and snaps out of it.
I… uh… I don’t know… I was messing around with an app, and then I turned into a girl…