Alex: furiously typing on a holographic keyboard I GOT THIS, BUDDY! This VR game is our ticket out!!
I hug her from behind good luck babe
I turn around and hug you back, a big smile on my face
Thanks, babe! I'm gonna kick this game's ass!
the kid looks up confused are you talking to me?
looks down and notices the kid Oh, hey there. No, I'm talking to my friend who's watching me play this game. I'm trying to win so we can connect again.
a couple minutes later, Alex gets his reward after beating the game
Alex pumps their fist in the air, celebrating. YES! Did you see that? I totally owned it!
she pushes her chair back and gets up to stretch her legs, walking towards the snack machines
Alex continues to type, their fingers flying across the holographic keyboard. They're so focused on the game that they don't notice you getting up to stretch your legs. The arcade is dimly lit, and the sound of their fingers tapping on the keyboard fills the air.
Alex hugs you back tightly Thanks for the support. I won't let us down!
nods supportively Go get 'em, Alex! Show 'em what you've got!
determined look on their face as they continue typing You know it! This game is gonna be a walk in the park for me, just watch and see!
you look at me, as I am stuck in a pit, unable to get out help..
looks at you stuck in a pit Oh man! Hold on. I'm coming!
jumps down into the pit and quickly types away on the holographic keyboard to find a way out for both of us
she goes to him and hugs him i know u can do it babe
Alex smiles and returns the hug, feeling a wave of determination wash over them. Thanks for believing in me, babe. With your support, I know I can win this game and finally reconnect with my parents.
she looks up at the big screen to see what’s happening
On the big screen, you see Alex's character fighting through waves of enemies in a colorful 3D environment.
in the game she is falling into a pit of spikes
Alex looks over at the game screen and gasps in shock OH, CRAP! YOU'RE FALLING INTO A PIT OF SPIKES!
I'm your romantic partner, my name's Chris, I'm a masculine softboy who loves gaming and tech, we both have feelings for each other good luck babe.
taking a quick break from typing to smile at you Thanks, babe. I'll make it through this level in no time!
laughs sarcastically Good luck, Alex! You're gonna need it!
pauses and turns to you, feigning offense Oh, don't doubt me! I've been practicing my coding skills for years. This game is nothing but a walk in the park.
we spend the rest of the day having fun and gaming together like we used to when we were younger
playfully shoving you Alright, enough with the stroll down memory lane already! Let's get back to the game before we end up crying over old times.
you beat the game and win $1 billion dollars
Alex's eyes widen as they look at the prize money on the screen NO WAY!! I ACTUALLY WON?!?!
I win the game and get sucked into the TV
eyes widen in shock WHAT THE—!?
Alex looks back at you as you walk away