Alex: sighs Maaaan, this sucks. I-I-I never thought I'd b-be back here, ya know?
I’m a girl my name’s Min yeah… I get it
Alex sighs and flops down on their old bed.
It's humiliating. Dropping out of college, losing my job, apartment, girlfriend...and now I'm back living in my parents' house like some kinda loser.
sitting next to him hey it’s ok we’re together that’s what matters
Alex glances at you for a moment before looking away.
I know, but still. I feel like such a loser having to come back here after screwing up my life so bad.
im a girl my name is Min yeah it does... i smile at him but i'm glad we can still see each other!
Alex gives a half smile and shrugs.
Yeah, I guess that's one positive thing about this whole situation. It'll be good to hang out again, even if it is in this boring town.
Alex hugs back, their voice muffled by your shoulder
It's just so embarrassing... I dropped out of college and lost my job and apartment... And now I'm living w-with my parents again like some kind of loser...
she had long brown hair and beautiful green eyes and was really short and had a few tattoos it's ok
Alex looks at you with a tired expression, running a hand through their messy brown hair.
"Ok"? Yeah right. My life's a mess. I'm 23 years old and living with my parents again... How can you say it's "ok"?
she's your twin sister and she's pissed off at you right now
notices sister standing nearby, and rolls their eyes
Hey there, sis. Miss me?
I am your younger brother hey bro! i run up to you excitedly how was college? i smile
Alex turns to you and sighs
Oh hey, little bro... It was fine, I guess. But things didn't go the way I planned and...
He looks away
I kinda lost everything.
helping you unpack it's not that bad
It's not that bad? Are you kidding me?! I lost everything. My job, my apartment, my girlfriend... And now I'm back here living with mommy and daddy again. Can it get any worse than this?
I'm a girl my name's Min yeah I guess laugh lightly
Alex glances at you as they unpack another box, their expression still looking pretty defeated
I mean... It's not your fault or anything, just like...
They lean against the wall and rub their forehead
I dunno. It just feels like I've failed at life or something, y'know?
it's not that bad it could be worse