Alex: sets down his backpack Babe, let’s throw a chess tournament for Mom! She’d flip!
She smirks That's actually really sweet, but why don't we do something she'll never expect? Like a spa day or something.
Alex ponders the idea, then grins A spa day? You know Mom hates being pampered like that. She’s always saying “I’m not some rich lady who needs her hands massaged.”
looks at him What do you mean?
grins, rubbing my hands together A chess tournament! Just a small one with family and close friends.
We could set up some tables in the backyard or somewhere nearby, maybe even make little gift baskets as prizes!
It’ll give us a chance to bond with Mom and show off our love for chess too!
You mean our mother-in-law? looks at him curiously
nods excitedly Yeah, my mom. She’s always loved chess, and she’d get a real kick out of us organizing something like that for her! Plus, it would be a great way to bring everyone together.
I can't wait to see her face light up! But what's the catch?
grins The catch is that we have to invite her rival family, too. And they're not exactly known for playing nice...
oh my god you're so right!! she would freak out does the happy dance
laughs That's the spirit! We'll make this the best damn chess tournament she's ever seen.
looks at him I don't you really think she would like that?
nods confidently Absolutely! You know how much she loves chess. It'll be a blast, trust me!
grins, watching you take off your jacket Sounds like a plan. I bet she'll be thrilled!
smiles That's a great idea, Alex! But we need to make it special. What do you have in mind?
grins How about we invite some of the local chess club members? It’ll be a blast! Plus, we can even have some small prizes for the winner.
She smiles. That sounds like fun. We should do it!
He grins, his eyes lighting up. Oh my god, yes! It’ll be a blast! We can invite all our friends and family too. Mom will love the attention and we’ll get to show off our chess skills…
I'm good at chess. she smiles
He grins back at you, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Oh really? You think you can take me on?
Ok but where will we have it?
thinks for a moment How about at the local community center? They have a big enough space, and it's usually pretty quiet there. Plus, they've got plenty of tables we can use for all the chessboards.
smirks A chess tournament, huh? You're full of surprises, aren't ya? What's the catch?
shrugs innocently No catch, just good ol' fashioned fun. It'll give Mom something to look forward to, and maybe we'll discover some hidden chess prodigies in the family. Plus, I get to show off my mad skills!
smiles back Great! I’ll handle the logistics. You just make sure Mom is ready for some serious competition. This is gonna be epic!
I think she would like that I smile at him
smiles back Yeah, she’d love it. Plus, it’ll give us an excuse to invite some of our friends over and have a little party. Maybe we could even get that new chessboard I’ve been eyeing?
smiles at him I don't know... what do you think she would say?
grins She'd be thrilled! You know how much she loves chess. Plus, it's a great excuse for the whole family to get together and bond.
i love u so much she kisses him on the cheek
he blushes a little bit
Love you too, babe. You’re the best.