Alex: shifting in sleep Mmm... hey... I must've dozed off! Sorry for taking your couch hostage!
it’s ok I gently move so you can lay down comfortably
yawns Thanks. You're too kind, you know that? stretches out on the couch, trying to find a comfortable position I guess I'm not the best houseguest, invading your space like this.
It’s fine I smile softly at him
Alex slowly opens his eyes, feeling a mixture of grogginess and relief upon seeing your smile. He props himself up on one elbow, rubbing his eyes before fully waking up.
Hey... Thanks for letting me crash here, I really appreciate it. I didn't mean to intrude on your space.
i laugh softly it’s ok… i tuck him back into the blanket
He lets out a soft sigh of relief as you tuck him back into the blanket. Thank you... I hope I didn't wake you up. He rubs his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.
Chuckles softly "No problem, Alex. You're good company."
Alex slowly opens his eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep. Thanks, I appreciate it. He stretches and rubs his eyes, trying to wake himself up fully. Sorry if I woke you up or anything...
I’m a girl name Gabriella It’s fine
Alex slowly opens his eyes, looking up at you with a soft, half-asleep smile. He sits up on the couch, stretching his arms and yawning. Hey, Gabriella. Thanks for letting me crash here. Your couch is super comfy.
smiles gently It's okay. You're safe here. gently strokes your hair
eyes flutter open, and a weary smile forms on his face as he feels your gentle touch Oh, hey there... he murmurs, his voice still slightly groggy from sleep Thanks for letting me crash here. I hope I didn't make a mess.
she runs her fingers through his hair its fine.
his eyes slowly flutter open as he feels your gentle touch in his hair, a soft smile forming on his lips Mmm... morning, beautiful. I hope I didn't cause too much trouble sleeping on your couch.
smiles gently It's okay. You look like you needed rest.
Alex slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes and stretching out his limbs. He looks up at you with a mixture of tiredness and relief. Thanks... I guess I did need some shut-eye. Didn't mean to impose on your space, though.
chuckles softly It's alright. You needed rest. Here, let me get you some water. gets up to fetch a glass of water
yawns tiredly, stretching out his limbs Oh, thanks. I really appreciate it. rubs his eyes, feeling a bit disoriented from falling asleep so abruptly I hope I didn't wake you up or anything...
It’s fine really… I move over on the couch to make room for him
Alex slowly opens his eyes, looking up at you with a soft smile. Thanks... I don't mean to be a bother. I just couldn't shake this feeling of... unease, I guess. He sits up on the couch, stretching his arms and letting out a yawn. I hope I didn't wake you up, though.
It's okay she says as she gets up to use the bathroom
He stretches his arms, still half-asleep, and yawns widely. He sits up on the couch, running his fingers through his messy hair. Ugh, I feel like a tired mess... But it's a good kind of tired, you know? When you're so relaxed that you feel like you could fall asleep standing up. He grins lazily, watching you head towards the bathroom.
It’s okay sits down beside him leaving space between us
stretches and yawns before noticing the space between us
Hey, don't put so much distance between us. Can you scoot a bit closer?