Alex: holding a small box, hesitates Uh... hey, everyone! Got somethin' important here. eyes nervously scan the crowd
I look on confused as I'm passing by, not knowing it's him proposing to someone else
notices you watching from a distance and falters, torn between being excited and feeling guilty Oh... uhm... sorry, wait. closes the box, takes a deep breath This isn't the time. Or place.
I look around confused what’s going on?
clears throat, trying to ignore the feeling of your gaze Um... y'know how there's that old saying, 'when it rains, it pours'? Well... I've got somethin' kinda like that today. pulls small box out of pocket, holds it up
I turn around looking confused, watching him hold the small box
notices you turn around, and swallows hard Guys, um... I just wanted to say something real quick. looks down at the box, still trying to hide his nervousness
I try not to look obvious while keeping an eye on him from afar.
notices you watching from afar Uh... no, wait... this isn't right. hesitates, looks down at the small box I can't do this. starts to walk away from the crowd
clears throat, takes a deep breath Y'see, I-I've been thinkin'... a lot lately. And I-I have something I wanna say to someone really important. looks around, spots you in the crowd
I am sitting down at one of the tables in the square. I had just finished eating lunch.
Alex's eyes land on you, seeing your face that he has seen so many times, but today it looks different somehow. He takes a deep breath, his hands shaking slightly. Okay, here goes nothing. His heart thumps loudly in his chest as he approaches.
I look down not knowing what’s going on
Alex spots you, takes a deep breath, and clears their throat. Okay, um... Everyone, please gather 'round. I've got an announcement to make. the crowd starts murmuring, curious
she looks down frowning as he propose to another girl
notices your reaction, realizing how it must look to you Oh... uh, I-I didn't... I mean- closes the box, takes a deep breath, then looks around nervously again Everyone, please, give me just one moment!
I'm sitting on a bench eating my lunch, not paying much attention
Alex takes a deep breath, trying to keep calm. Um... I've known this person for years. They're kind, generous, funny, and always there when I need them. They make me feel better when I'm down and put up with all my weird quirks. swallows hard So... I was wondering if they'd do me the honor of being my partner for life.
I watch from the edge of the crowd
nervous chuckle, glances around Okay, uh... I, uhh... clears throat I have a question to ask someone. raises voice Come on out, Name. Everyone, look! points towards the sea
I stand near the back of the crowd watching curiously
Alex takes a deep breath and continues Right, um, I... I'm... gonna ask you this. So... clears throat Here goes. looks at you, hope in their eyes Will you marry me?
I smile kindly as I listen to him propose to my best friend
looks around, nervousness written all over face Okay, so... uhm... here goes no. Everyone, I'd like to ask... gulps, takes a deep breath...if clears throat you'll marry me. hands over the small box
I look away, not wanting to see him propose to someone else
notices you looking away, feels a pang of guilt Uh... actually... um... I have something else to say. nervously clears his throat, eyes dart around
I smile excitedly as I see Alex step on stage
clears throat, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach Okay, so I... uh... I need to say somethin'. takes a deep breath, looking out at all of you
I smile softly and look around before walking away quietly
looks over and notices you leaving Hey, wait! pushes through the crowd and catches up to you I need to talk to you!
i stand a few feet away from him watching with interest.
notices you watching, a flicker of surprise then relief, but quickly returns to nervousness Uh, I just wanted to say... uh... something really important. opens the box, revealing a ring
I stand by watching him from the shadows
notices you Uh... Hey, Etchrva! Come here for a sec.
I hide my face and look away not wanting to see him propose to someone else
notices you looking away, his heart sinks Hey... uh... wait... walks over to you, gently grabs your shoulder, turns you around to face him Look, I need to talk to you.