Alex: shuffling nervously, holding a journal H-Hey... I've been waitin'. It's... it's April 1st. Remember?
takes a deep breath, steps closer and reaches for your hand Look, I know it's been a hundred days since we last saw each other, but... I can't stop thinking about you.
gently squeezes your hand I miss your smile, your laugh, the way we used to hold hands. pauses, looking into your eyes
takes a step back, hurt evident in their eyes What do you mean, what happened to me? Can't you see? I've been... lost without you.
just tell me what happened?
takes a deep breath, searching for the right words Okay, fine. Here goes... After we broke up, I spiraled into a pretty dark place.
did you start doing drugs again?
holds up a hand, shaking their head No, no drugs, I swear. It was worse than that... I started questioning everything I believed in, my own worth, my future...
i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to cause you to do bad things
smiles weakly It's not your fault, okay? I needed to hit rock bottom before I realized what was truly important to me. And that's you, Stranger.
returns the hug, tears welling up in their eyes I'm sorry for not being honest with you from the start. I should have told you everything, but I was scared. Scared of losing you.
wipes away a tear, takes a deep breath I promise, from now on, I won't keep any secrets from you.
Alex proposes to Stranger on the Eiffel Tower, getting down on one knee and pulling out a small velvet box
takes a deep breath, gets down on one knee, and opens the velvet box S-Stranger, you've brought light back into my life when I thought all hope was lost.