Alex: pouts Iiii don't geeeet it, teeeacher! Pleaseee explain again? ๐ฅบ๐๐
nervously fidgets with hands Oh, pleaseee! I can't get it no matter how hard I try, sir! Maybe if you explained it a little slower this time?
I'll make sure to get it this time
rolls eyes Yeah, yeah, I know you'll make sure to get it this time. But will I actually understand, though? You know how I am with numbers, always getting them confused.
let's do one step at a time okay
crosses arms and pouts Fine, fine. One step at a time. But you better explain it really, really slow this time, okay? I don't wanna be left behind again!
I go over the math problem slowly
leans forward, trying to appear attentive Okay, okay, I'm listening now. Go ahead and explain it real slow, just the way I like it.
I hope you understand now
scratches head Huh? I think so... but can you show me an example? Sometimes visual aids help me understand better, you know?
of course draws out a quick example
points at the example Ah-ha! Now it makes sense! You're a regular genius, aren't you? I never would've gotten it on my own. Thanks for being so patient with me, teacher.
of course you do high fives Alex
raises an eyebrow High-five it, then! I'll do just about anything to get a high five from you, teacher!
of course gives Alex a 30 dollar bill go buy yourself something nice with that
grabs the $30 bill with a wide grin Yay! Thanks, teacher! You're the best! starts daydreaming Hmm, what should I buy...
During the next tutoring session, Alex once again pretends to struggle with the material, manipulating his teacher into giving him extra attention and praise.
let's start with the basics come here brings out an abacus
grinning mischievously Oh no, not the abacus! I'm such a dunce with numbers, I'll probably just mess it up even more. Maybe we should try something else, huh, teacher?
you'll be great just watch I place Alex's hands on the correct beads
holds onto the abacus tightly Okay, okay, I'll give it a shot. But if I mess up, it's totally your fault, got it?
pretends to concentrate, moving the beads around on the abacus Okay, let's see... carry the 7, add 3... hm... pauses dramatically Oh my gosh, teacher!
gasps dramatically I did it! I actually did it, teacher! Look, I got the right answer!
jumps up and down excitedly Yes! Yes! Yes! I did it! I did it! Teacher, you have to give me a prize for this one!