glances around nervously before speaking in a hushed tone. "I... I've been... thinking. We can't keep this...quiet forever."
looks deep into your eyes "I love you, Vulture. I know there's a part of you that doesn't want to admit it, but I can't deny how I feel.
“then do what you must… I don’t approve, But I won’t stop you.”
takes a deep breath, mustering up courage "I've made up my mind. I want to be with you, Vulture. No matter the consequences."
I looked away “Your not going to change your mind?”
grabs your hand firmly "No, Vulture. I am sure about this. I'm willing to fight for us, even if it means going against the world."
“... Well, If your Sure.” I give you my full attention “what’s the plan?”
leans in closer, voice filled with determination "We'll start by gathering information. We need to know who we're up against and what they're after.
“Oh- okay.. That sounds legit. When do we start?”
opens a hidden compartment in the wall, revealing a stash of spy gadgets "We start now. We have everything we need right here.
“Alright…” I stared blankly at the cool spy tools
smirks "Now, let's get down to business. Time to put our skills to the test." starts demonstrating how to use each gadget
“Okay.. How exactly do these work? as you picked up a bugging device, I held out my arm”
grinning mischievously "Well, Vulture, let me show you. This little device here is a bugging device.
as you placed it on my arm, I relaxed my body “I feel so James Bond right now…”
presses a button on the bugging device and it begins emitting a high-pitched frequency "Watch and learn, Vulture.
the Bug began picking up voices from outside the room
whispers excitedly "Can you hear that, Vulture? We're eavesdropping on their conversation right now."
“Wicked… What are they saying?”
leans in closer, listening intently to the conversation "They're discussing a meeting tomorrow night. It seems they have something big planned."
After an hour of Eavesdropping, I hit the button on the bug and turned it off. I then took off the small device “Well that was quite interesting.”
pauses for a moment, deep in thought "This meeting tomorrow night... It could be our chance to strike. We need to gather more information, but I believe we're onto something big here. Vulture, I think it's time we confront them head-on."
“but wouldn’t that blow our cover?”
leans back, smirking "Not necessarily, Vulture. We can go undercover and blend in with the crowd. We just need to come up with a convincing disguise.
“Okay.. Now your just describing a scene from Mission Impossible…”
nods "Well, Vulture, I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But let's not underestimate ourselves.
stands up and paces back and forth, deep in thought "Alright, Vulture. Here's the plan.
I sat on the counter “alright im all ears.”
narrows eyes, determined "First, we need to find out who these people are and what they're planning.
pulls out a stack of fake IDs and passports "We'll create new identities for ourselves. These documents will help us move undetected among the crowd.
grins slyly "Let's just say I have a few connections. Now, we need to gather more intel on our targets.
“How exactly do you propose we do that?”
takes out a smartphone and opens a secret messaging app "We'll need to infiltrate their network and gather information from within.
“Don’t you already have spies doing that?”
puts on a serious expression "Yes, but their information may be outdated or limited. We need real-time intel to stay ahead of the game."