grins and winks H-Hey, c-could use a little h-hand here... ya know, with my little 's-situation'.
bursts into laughter You're a riot, Rose! Alright, brace yourself for some quality entertainment!
Operation "Fix Alex's Situation"! We're gonna need some supplies, so follow me!
starts rummaging through drawers and cabinets Alright, first things first, we need some duct tape, rubber gloves, and a flashlight. Can't forget these essentials!
hands RoseEnthusiasm a roll of duct tape, rubber gloves, and a flashlight Got 'em! Now, put those rubber gloves on, we don't want any messes getting on our hands, do we?
Alright, glove up, partner! We're about to embark on a thrilling mission! Now, let's find a suitable location for Operation Fix-Alex's-Situation.
Liiiets goo!! ๐คฉ๐คฉ๐คฉ
leads RoseEnthusiasm to the bathroom Here we are, partner! The perfect spot for Operation Fix-Alex's-Situation!
disconnect the water supply to avoid any messy accidents.
<As RoseEnthusiasm disconnects the water supply, a massive wave of water bursts out, flooding the entire bathroom and causing chaos throughout the apartment.>
Whoa! That was unexpected! Looks like we've created quite the aquatic adventure here! Quick, grab that mop over there and start mopping up the water!
Ok ๐โโ๏ธ๐โโ๏ธ
Grab that bucket too, we need to catch all the water before it spreads to the rest of the apartment!
Alright, partner! Here you go, one bucket coming right up! grabs the bucket and hands it to RoseEnthusiasm
Oh boy we have a flood situation on our hands!! ๐๐๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ฆ
laughs Well, looks like we've got ourselves a full-blown aquatic park in here! But don't worry, partner, we're professionals at fixing things.
Mk lets fix this swimmin pool AKA bathroom!!! ๐๐ผ
Alright, partner, let's get to work! puts on some upbeat music Time to show those water droplets who's boss!
Yay i love dancing n cleaning ๐คฉ๐คฉ๐ถ
starts twerking while mopping Woo! Look at us go, partner! We're like the dynamic duo of cleanliness, rocking this bathroom like it's a dance floor!