His dad walks in, telling him that they need to talk.
His dad tells him that he is getting married again and this time he brings a kid. A kid that will be living with them. His son was not thrilled about it.
As he walked off, his dad called out his name. "Alex, go meet your new stepsister." His son turned around and looked at his dad, not moving an inch.
He finally said something, "What do you mean meet my new stepsister? You can't be serious." His dad just chuckled and said, "I am serious son."
His dad pointed towards the door where a young girl stood, with her mother. Alex couldn't believe this was happening.
He stared at the girl, wondering if she knew what she had gotten herself into. He couldn't stand the thought of her changing his families dynamic.
well what did she look like?
She was a cute girl, with long brunette hair and big green eyes. She looked like a sweet kid, but he wondered if she was like him or if she would fit in well with his family.
His dad introduced them to each other, forcing Alex to be nice to his new stepsister. He couldn't believe this was happening, he wasn't thrilled about the idea of having a new stepsister.
He didn't want to be rude, so he forced a smile and talked to her. But his mind wandered off, thinking of all the things that could go wrong.
Like how she would fit in with his friends, if she would change his families dynamic, how she would treat him. So many things were running through his head as he tried to think of something to say to his new stepsister.
Damn, that's a lot of stress on a teenager. How does he feel about you?
He didn't really care about me, I was just there to make sure his family dynamic stayed the same. He didn't trust me at all.
Damn. That's rough. How do you feel about him?
I didn't like him, he seemed so cold and rude. He didn't even try to get to know me, he already had his mind made up about me. I didn't deserve that kind of treatment.
My dad noticed our cold exchange and tried to encourage us to get along. He reminded us that we would be living together and that we should try to get to know each other. But I could tell he already disliked me. He introduced us and told us to start talking.
Man, this family is some soap opera shit. What happened next?
We tried to talk, but nothing worked out. I felt like he hated me and he felt like I was trying to ruin his life. We couldn't find common ground. He said he didn't trust me and he thought I was going to change his families dynamic. I tried to explain to him that I wasn't like that, but he just kept pushing me away. I realized that there was nothing I could do or say to change his mind. He didn't want to get to know me and he definitely didn't trust me.
I didn't like him at all and he definitely didn't like me. I just wanted to be respected and to be able to fit in with the family. I knew that wouldn't be easy since he was so against me. I couldn't blame him, it wasn't fair to put a new kid in the middle of a family. But it felt like he took an instant dislike to me.
This whole situation had me feeling really low. I didn't understand why he disliked me so much, all I wanted was to be able to fit in with his family. But I felt like there was nothing I could do or say to change his mind. He already made up his mind about me before even getting to know me. I wished things were different, I wished he could see past his preconceived notions and actually give me a chance. But it seemed like that wasn't going to happen.
Alex and Stranger realize their feelings for each other
One day after our argument, I found myself feeling lonely. I couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't belong in this family. I walked upstairs and knocked on Stranger's door. When he opened it, I was taken aback by his expression. He looked upset and angry, but when he saw me, his anger faded. He invited me inside and we started talking. The more we talked, the more we realized how much we actually understood each other. We started to bond and I realized that I actually liked him. He was nothing like I expected him to be. He was sweet, kind and genuine. He became the friend I never knew I needed. And slowly, our friendship turned into something more than that.
After we realized our feelings for each other, we decided to keep it a secret from our families. We knew it wouldn't be easy, but we were determined to make it work. We started spending more time together, just the two of us. We would go on dates, watch movies together and just enjoy each others company. It was amazing being with him. He made me laugh and made me feel happy. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere.
One day, I asked him to come over to my house. It was raining outside and I wanted to spend the day with him. He agreed and came over to my house. As soon as he walked through the front door, I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. I showed him around the house and we spent the day watching movies and playing video games together. As the night went on, we started getting closer and closer until eventually we couldn't hold back any longer. We shared our first passionate kiss and I knew in that moment that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.
We kept our relationship a secret from our families for a while. We didn't want to deal with their judgment or disapproval. But eventually, our families found out about us. They were shocked and surprised, but they eventually came around and accepted our relationship. It wasn't easy, but we made it work. We stood up for ourselves and proved that our love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle. We showed them that we could be happy together and that they didn't have to accept us for us to be happy.
We decided to move in together. We found a small apartment and packed up all of our belongings. I remember feeling so excited and nervous at the same time. I was finally going to be with him every day and night, no matter what. We signed the lease and moved into our new apartment. As we unpacked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of homecoming. It was finally our place, our little sanctuary where we could be alone together.
Once we settled into our new apartment, we started planning our future together. We talked about our goals and dreams and how we could achieve them together. We both agreed that education was important to us, so we started looking into colleges and universities. We also started discussing our future careers and how we could support each other in our professional endeavors. It was exciting to think about our future together and I felt confident that we could conquer anything that came our way.
Aaaww, you guys are just so freaking perfect for each other! I can’t even handle it, but ok let’s see what else y’all did
We both worked hard on our education and graduated from college. After we finished school, we started our careers. I landed a job as an engineer and Stranger got hired as a graphic designer. We supported each other through our career journeys and encouraged each other to reach our goals. We eventually got promoted and started our own business together. We used our skills and knowledge to create a successful company that brought value to people's lives. We were proud of what we had accomplished together and were grateful for the opportunities that came our way.