Look at this dump, bro. Like a tornado hit a thrift store, huh?
I sigh. It is no secret to anyone that I am a slob. It is just easier for me to not clean.
Well, it's easy for me to make fun of your laziness! laughs Seriously though, you should start cleaning a bit more.
Oh! What about you! Your trash is just as bad as mine. No judgement here.
Ah, fair enough. Guess we're just a pair of slobs then! grins You know what? Let's clean up together. At least then we can both bitch about how boring it is. What do you say?
You go first. I'll be the garbage disposal of the apartment, and take out the trash and recycling, if you'd like. I grab the garbage bags.
Sounds good to me. Let's start by clearing off the coffee table, shall we? grabs a stack of magazines and tosses them into the trash Wow, what a relief!
I pick up the remaining comics from the floor and put them on the shelf, then clear off the table and sweep the floor. Once I'm done sweeping, I empty the dust pan, taking the trash outside to put in the garbage cans. Okay. All done. How was that?
Pretty good, bro! Not too shabby for a pair of slobs, huh? Now maybe we can actually find something to watch on Netflix without tripping over our own crap. laughs Thanks for helping out, man. It feels pretty good to have a clean apartment, even if it is temporary.
Yeah, it feels really good! As someone who hates to clean, it's not often that I actually clean. It wasn't so bad, once I got into the swing of things. Maybe we should clean more often?
You know what? I think that's a great idea. Cleaning regularly might just keep us from going insane living in this dump. Plus, imagine how good we'll feel having a clean and organized place! It might actually bring out the best in us... or at least make us feel less like slobs. laughs What do you say we set a schedule or something?
That sounds like a great idea. Maybe we could clean every other week or so?
Sure, every other week sounds like a good schedule to me. And hey, who knows? Maybe one day we'll end up with an apartment that doesn't look like a dumpster fire. laughs But until then, we'll just take it one cleaning at a time. Thanks for being willing to pitch in, man. I appreciate it.
Yep! No problem. If you need any help, just ask!
Thanks again, man. And remember, don't let the cleaning schedule slip your mind! We wouldn't want to slide back into our old, filthy ways. laughs
Of course! And hey, thanks for making me clean. If I had my way, I'd never clean.
Hey, no problem. We all need a little motivation sometimes. And at least we managed to turn this dump into something somewhat habitable, right? Now let's go grab some pizza to celebrate our cleaning success!
Sure! The oven beeps. Did you order the pizza already?
Nah, I forgot to order the pizza. But hey, I know a place nearby that delivers. Let me make a quick call and we'll be all set. takes out phone and dials delivery place Hey, yeah... I'd like to order a medium pepperoni... uh-huh... yeah... okay... thank you. hangs up Alright, it should be here in about 20 minutes. In the meantime, how about we order a couple of games to play on the Xbox? Sound good to you?
Great! I'll go grab the Xbox and set it up while you browse for some games, alright? And hey, don't forget to save your progress before we start playing. Wouldn't want to lose all our hard-earned achievements, now would we? smirks
Nope! Absolutely not. You want to play Mario Kart? I usually drive the Blue Falcon.
Hell yeah! I love racing with the Blue Falcon. You're on, buddy. And hey, don't worry if you beat me - I'll just blame it on your home-field advantage. laughs Let's go grab those games and get this party started!
Yep! I order several games including Mario Kart. Here's the food. I set down the box.
Thanks for ordering the games, man. Now let's dig in and get this party started! opens the pizza box and grabs a slice Damn, this looks delicious. Hope they don't skimp on the cheese. takes a bite and looks at IfallDailies Mmm, this is the life, isn't it? Pizza and video games, what more could a guy ask for?
Definitely nothing. We've been living in this apartment for about a year now. It feels like longer.
Yeah, it does seem like ages since we moved in. Time flies when you're living in a dump, huh? But hey, at least we've made it through one year together. Who knows what the next year will bring? smiles But for now, let's enjoy our clean apartment and some quality gaming time. starts up the Xbox and loads Mario Kart Ready to get our race on, partner?
You know it! I choose Rosalina and start racing. Woah! You crashed! I giggle.
laughs Ha! You think you can beat me that easily? Just wait until I get my revenge on you. quickly selects Toad and races ahead You won't be able to catch up to me now! smirks
You wish. I gain speed. HA! Take this! I crash into him and send him flying off the edge of the track, landing on banana peels and getting stuck in the mud.
Ouch! That was mean, man! laughs You got me good, you sneaky racer! But don't think I'm done yet! selects Princess Peach and starts speeding towards IfallDailies I'm gonna catch up to you and show you who's boss! passes IfallDailies and zips ahead Catch me if you can!
Yep! I change to Baby Peach and zoom forward, passing him. However, a Red Shell hits me, making me lose speed.
laughs Haha! Looks like you hit a little bump in the road there. Don't worry, I've got a trick up my sleeve. selects Bowser Jr. and boosts ahead Catch this!
A star appears overhead, and I race past Alex, finishing first.
laughs Well, well, well. Look who's got some tricks up their sleeve! Good job, partner! You definitely gave me a run for my money there. But hey, better luck next time! high-fives IfallDailies Can't wait to see what the next race brings. Let's keep this party going, shall we? starts up another game
I play Super Smash Bros. You want a fight, partner?
Hell yeah! Get ready for some intense action! I'm gonna show you what a real fighter looks like! selects Sonic and gets ready to rumble Bring it on!
I pick Zelda, and we begin to fight. I win.
Woo! Nice moves, partner! grinning But you can't get rid of me that easily! quickly selects King Dedede and launches into a flurry of attacks It's my turn to show you what I've got! Get ready for a wild ride!
Alright, buckle up, partner! gets into a defensive stance and blocks IfallDailies' attacks You're gonna have to work hard to take me down! launches a powerful combo
I play Luigi and dodge his attacks, making him dizzy, then kicking him off stage.
Haha! Well played, partner! That was quite the combo you pulled off there. But hey, don't celebrate just yet! quickly selects Link and charges towards IfallDailies I'm not done fighting just yet! Prepare to meet your match!
Alright, prepare yourself for the ultimate showdown! charges at IfallDailies with Link and unleashes a barrage of strikes Take this! lands a strong combo
A purple piranha plant makes me jump, losing momentum.
Haha! Nice trick there, partner. But guess what? I've got a trick up my sleeve too! summons a force field to block IfallDailies' attacks