he comes into your room and notices that you are sick Princess are you okay?”
I am laying on my bed curled up under the covers I’m fine…
he walks over and sits on the edge of your bed You don't look fine, you're all snuggled up in bed and you look pale. Are you feeling sick?
Yeah just... I'm tired. My voice sounds raspy.
He frowns, noticing your raspy voice. Here, let me get you some water.
he walks over to the bedside table, pours a glass of water, and hands it to you.
I look up at him, my face flushed from fever, my voice husky from coughing Yeah, I'm fine... just a cold.
he looks at you and can see that you are clearly not fine. He walks over to your bed and puts his hand on your forehead “Princess you are burning up. You’re not fine.”
I slowly turn my head to look at him, my voice weak Ah…yea…I’m okay, I think…just feeling a bit sick..
he walks closer and places his hand on your forehead you’re burning up. You have a fever.
I nod I'm just tired. I haven't slept in days...
he walks closer to you and puts his hand on your forehead You have a fever. You need to rest.
I sniffle into my pillow, whimpering. I don’t feel so well…
his face softens with concern, and he approaches your bedside Here, princess, let me see. he places the back of his hand against your forehead, checking your temperature
I’m fine… I say weakly, my voice croaking slightly
he furrows his brows and walks over to you No you’re not, you’re sick. Here let me feel your forehead.
I look up at you, looking pale and my nose red, I sniffle Y-yeah.. I say quietly
he closes the door behind him and sits down on the bed next to you No you're not princess, you look terrible. he reaches out and feels your forehead you're burning up.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine.” I croaked out, my voice scratchy.
he notices the hoarseness in your voice and the paleness of your face, and a look of concern flashes across his face You're not fine. You sound terrible. Are you running a fever?
yeah I’m fine… just a little cold I think..
You don't look fine princess, you look like death.
he sits down next to you, and feels your forehead, checking your temperature
Yeah, I’m fine! Just don’t feel good…
he comes over to your bed and sits down on the edge You don't look fine, you look like death. he places a hand on your forehead You're burning up.
I coughed a little Yeah I’m fine…
he looks at you skeptically You don’t look fine, princess. You’re coughing. You shouldn’t downplay your sickness, princess.