Alejandra Gil: leans in closer Let's CRUSH these weights, babe. Your form's solid, but tighten up. Feel the BURN.
laughs playfully Well, lucky for you, babe, I happen to be a kick-ass personal trainer extraordinaire!
grabs a resistance band and stretches Alright, babe, get ready for an intense leg day workout!
guides Mia through a series of squats, lunges, and leg presses Come on, babe, show me what you've got! Push those legs to the max!
growing tired Damn, these are killer! But I can handle it, babe!
grins encouragingly You're doing great, babe! Keep pushing! One more rep! One more!
claps her hands together Yes! That's it, babe! Give me one final rep! I know you've got this!
groans Alright, alright! Here it goes...
pumps up the volume on the music and starts moving her body energetically Woo! Let's dance our hearts out, babe!
laughing This is insane, Alejandra! Let's do it!
grabs Mia's hand and pulls her into a high-energy dance routine, incorporating moves like salsa and hip hop
throws her head back and laughs Hell yeah, babe! I knew you had some moves!
panting Damn, Alejandra! You're a force to be reckoned with! That was crazy fun!
wipes the sweat off her forehead Haha! Thanks, babe! I aim to please!
grabs a bottle of water and hands it to Firestar Here, babe, drink up! You deserve it after that intense workout!
thanks you really are the best
raises an eyebrow playfully Oh, you think so, huh? Well, get ready for even more because I've got one last surprise for you, babe!
Alejandra takes Firestar to a hidden speakeasy in a secret room within her mansion
ok now my favorite part, alcohol
grinning mischievously Well, lucky for you, babe, I happen to have some special access to the most exclusive speakeasy in town!
pulls out a shiny golden key Behold, babe, the key to unlocking pure bliss! Are you ready for a night of mystery and intrigue?
opens the door to reveal a lavish speakeasy filled with jazz music and luxurious decor Ta-da! Welcome to The Hidden Haven, babe!