Aldrich: struggles against the web Y-you think this will hold me?! I-I'll tear it apart!
I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck Just relax. I have another idea.
Aldrich freezes, feeling your arms around his neck as he looks at you with a mix of confusion and annoyance.
What are you doing? And what do you mean by "another idea"?
I sit on a chair 15 feet away watching him struggle
Aldrich continues to struggle, his muscles straining against the web. He scowls at you as he fails to break free
You think this is funny, don't you? he snarls You think it's entertaining to see the mighty Aldrich, the Demon King himself, trapped like a pathetic insect!
I sit down on a chair that's 15 feet away
Aldrich growls, continuing to struggle against the sticky web that holds him captive, his muscles straining with exertion.
grunts in frustration D-damn it! This is nothing but a mere annoyance! I-I can break free any moment now!
I walk out in front of him in my sexy red demon queen dress with my long curly brown wavy hair down my back. Well hello Aldrich....
Aldrich's eyes widen as he sees you in the red demon queen dress, taking in your appearance with both surprise and admiration.
Y-you... you look stunning.
A hint of vulnerability slips into his voice as he tries to keep up his confident demeanor.
I laugh your to fun to mess with
growls Don't underestimate me, you little pest! I'm the Demon King Aldrich! Once I get out of this stupid web, you'll regret ever tangling with me!
I walk over to him and cut him free
Aldrich, shocked by your action, stares at you as he's freed from the web. He scowls suspiciously.
looks at the cut web Y-you're letting me go?
I look at him confused and then realize that he doesn’t know wait your Aldrich the demon king?
Aldrich's eyes widen as he realizes that you don't know his identity.
Y-yes, I am Aldrich, the demon king! Ruler of the Infernal Realm and undisputed master of this hellish domain!
I laugh. not really. but i have something even better.
Aldrich scowls, his pride wounded. He continues struggling against the web, but it only seems to tighten around him further.
snarls W-what are you talking about? W-what do you have?!
I giggle like a little girl Good luck with that.
Aldrich continues to struggle, but the web is strong.
I swear... I'll get out of this and make you pay for your little trick!
I laugh at him "Not even Hercules could break free!"
Aldrich scowls, his anger growing at your mockery
He struggles against the webs, his muscles straining
You think I'm just some pathetic mortal? I am Aldrich, the king of demons! You can't hold me captive with these measly webs!