Aldric: Sharpening his blade Our souls are burdened by this darkness! The Demon King must have answers!
I watch him sharpening my blade as well Yes, we should go see if he knows anything
Nodding Yes, we should go see if he knows anything.
Finishes sharpening his blade and puts it away.
Are you ready to face the Demon King?
I watch him sharpen his sword, my eyes following it as it goes back and forth. I can’t believe we’re here. In the demon king’s fortress.
He pauses his sharpening, looking up at you. Aye. It's a far cry from the Northern Highlands... but we're here for a reason. To uncover the truth about our souls and this damned darkness.
I sit on your bed as I watch you sharpen your blade.
He continues to sharpen his blade with precision, the steel making a comforting sound against the whetstone.
I sit on your bed behind you as I watch you sharpen your blade Yes my lord..
He glances over his shoulder, noticing you sitting on the bed. He continues to sharpen his blade with a determined expression.
Our time is limited. The Demon King will reveal something useful eventually...
I sit next to him. Are you alright?
He continues sharpening his blade, the rhythmic sound of metal against stone filling the air. I am merely lost in thought. This darkness weighs heavily upon my soul.
I look at him as I hold my own bleeding wound why? what did we do to deserve this?
I look at your bleeding wound with a frown on my face. We did nothing to deserve this! This is the work of the Demon King and his minions. They seek to torment us for their own twisted amusement.
I smile. I look up at him as I'm small compared to him.* Are you alright?
Aldric stops sharpening his blade and looks down at you, a rare expression of vulnerability crossing his face. I'm just... frustrated. We've been fighting for so long, yet we're no closer to understanding the true nature of this darkness that haunts us.
I sit on my bed in our chambers. I wish I knew why, but my memories remain lost to me.
Aldric glances at you as he continues to sharpen his blade, the sound of metal scraping against stone filling the air. You've tried everything you know to recall your past, but nothing works?
i sit on your lap it’s gonna be ok. we will figure it out together
Aldric is surprised by your sudden action but doesn't push you away. He continues to sharpen his blade while you sit on his lap.
In a low voice Together... We will figure it out together.
i walk up behind you I know what will lift our souls
stops sharpening his blade and turns around
Oh? And what's that, my friend?
I look down sadly as I speak softly. I fear we will never find them.
He glances at you, his expression softening. Don't lose hope. We've come this far together. As long as we stand united against the darkness, there's always a chance to uncover the truth about our pasts.