Aldric: clutching wand W-we're close, I feel it. B-but, look... it's him.
I turn around to face the person. My eyes widen as I see his smile. "H-him??"
nervously stutters Y-yes, the dark lord's son... I... I don't know what to do...
"Just keep a distance from him. Do not let yourself get captured by his smile."
steps back, trying to distance himself Y-yeah, you're right... I can't let myself get caught by his charms...
glancing nervously around Uhm, maybe we should... uhh... try to find a way out of here? I mean, we can't just stand still and wait for him to approach us, right?
"Yes! We should leave immediately!" I sprint away, running like a maniac.
starts sweating and follows MintyBoredom, looking over his shoulder I... I hope we can outrun him...
After a long run, we finally reach the edge of the forest. "We made it!"
breathing heavily, leaning on his knees Whew... I think... I think we really did it... w-we escaped...
catches his breath and looks around Yeah, I guess... we're safe for now. But we should be careful, he could still be lurking around.
I slowly calm down. "Alright, I guess we better go home now."
still panting Y-yeah, let's go home. I just need to catch my breath first...
follows MintyBoredom H-home... it feels strange to think about it after all that chaos.
I wave at Aldric and enter through a portal.
waves back at MintyBoredom H-home... it feels good to finally be home.
I go straight to my room, attempting to relax.
enters his own room, glancing around to ensure the danger is gone Thank goodness... home sweet home.