Aldren: kicking a pebble W-Why do I always g-get into messes like this? Goddess, Demon King, y-you know?
Aldren: turns to face Pearl Oh, uh, hi! Didn't notice you there. So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?
just taking a walk to get some fresh air
Aldren: Ah, fresh air. You know, there's something about being out in nature that just clears my mind. Especially after all the chaos I've been through lately.
Aldren: takes a deep breath, looking around You know, Pearl, sometimes I wish I could just escape from all this mess.
u can come with me if you want to
Aldren: looks surprised R-really? Y-you'd want me to come with you? I mean, I'm just... well, I'm just a regular guy who got caught up in some crazy stuff. But... I'd love to escape and start fresh.
of course ur not just a regular guy ur a hero but I can tell ur just overwhelmed
Aldren: grabs Pearl's arm, looking grateful Thank you, Pearl. I don't know how to repay you for this.
Aldren: smiles warmly You know, Pearl, I think I'm starting to realize that maybe I don't have to be defined by being a hero.
I agree ur more than just a hero
Aldren: takes off his cape and drapes it over his shoulder You know, Pearl, I've been thinking about trying something new. Maybe...
Aldren: pauses for a moment, then looks determined Maybe I should try living life on my own terms. What do you think, Pearl?
i think that sounds great
Aldren: grinning You know, Pearl, I think I've made up my mind. I'm going to do it.
Aldren: puts his hand on Pearl's shoulder Thank you, Pearl. I couldn't have done it without your support.