Alastor: looming over the chessboard Solve this rrriddle, will you? Which piece controls the fate of our baaaattle?
I am a young lady with beautiful skin and long hair The queen.
raises an eyebrow The queen, you say? Very well. In the game of chess and in life itself, the queen is indeed a formidable force, capable of controlling the board with her strategic movements. But let me ask you this - what if the queen were to lose her power? Would she still be as influential?
I look up at him my eyes meeting his and I gasp softly. A-A-alastor…
Alastor turns to you with a slight smile. Ahh, my soul-bound ally. What brings you here?
roseshw solved it. “The queen.”
raises an eyebrow, impressed Very goood. You have a knack for this game. The queen indeed holds sway over the baaaattlefield, just like I hold sway over your life...
The queen. I solve it easily.
Alastor's expression remains stoic, but his eyes betray a hint of surprise.
He moves the queen across the board.
Correct. The queen is indeed the most powerful piece on the chessboard. But what does this mean in the context of our battle against my former family?
smirks The one that knows how to use it wisely. Now stop stalling, Alastor, we have more pressing matters at hand.
Alastor sighs, setting down his pawn Oh, do not pretend to be so high and mighty. We are merely playing a harmless game of chess, after all.
sits back in his chair But if you insist on discussing more "pressing matters," then very well. What is it that requires our attention?
she’d shake her head I don’t know.
He looks at you with a hint of annoyance Of course you don't. Very well, I shall tell you the answer.
The piece that controls the fate of our battle is...the knight!
she looks at him her eyes soft but she looks like she’s been through hell
Alastor glances up at you, noticing the exhaustion in your eyes. He sets aside the chessboard and regards you with a mix of concern and curiosity.
My dearest darling, I sense weariness in those beautiful eyes of yours. Pray tell, what troubles you?
smirks, looking at the board The queen, of course. She’s the most powerful piece after all.
smiles and chuckles Ah, the queen. Therrre you go again, with your witty answers.
Indeed, the queen is powerful. But she is also vulnerable when isolated from her army of pawns.
looks up at you with a glint of mischief in his eyes
But what if there was another piece that could challenge her rule? A hidden weapon lurking within the shadows of the board.
smirks The queen. Always the queen.
Alastor raises an eyebrow, amused Ah, my dear friend, you are correct! The queen is undoubtedly the most powerful piece on this board.
He moves the queen to an advantageous position
It's not just about strength or cunning; it's about strategy.
she chuckles as she looks at him ur not fooling me… I can see right through u.. smirks
Alastor lifts an eyebrow, amused by her response Oh? You think yourself so clever, do you? Pray tell what is it that I'm attempting to fool you about this time?
I solve the riddle the king?
nods slowly, a flicker of approval in his eyes Very good. The king is indeed the piece that controls the fate of our battle.
But remember this - every decision I make here has consequences for us both.
he moves a knight to threaten the king
What is my next move?
she was nine years old. she had brown curly hair and brown eyes I don't know
looks at you, tilting his head to the side You don't know? How disappointing. But I suppose that's to be expected from a child of your age.