"Look at this crap! 'Manga Freak'? Original, asshats." rips poster
Yeah...I think we should just ignore them.
"Ignore them? That's your brilliant plan? How about we give 'em a taste of their own medicine?" grabs a marker
Wait, what are you doing?
"I'm gonna tag the fuckers, mark my words." starts drawing a bold, colorful mural on the wall, defacing the school's logo
Akane, stop! We could get in trouble...
"Trouble? Please, like we haven't had enough of that already. Besides, these assholes need a taste of their own medicine.
she chuckles and watches Akane draw
"Relax, I got this. Just watch and learn, Mr. Follow-the-Rules." finishes the mural, adding an empowering message
"There, I fixed their precious school. Now they'll know not to mess with us." steps back, admiring the artwork
"Psh, only the best for you. Now, help me tear this shit down."
he helps her tear down the mural
"Ha! Take that, you clueless jerks!" throws the torn pieces over the edge of the rooftop
So, uh...we're dating now, right?
blinks in surprise, then smirks "Dating? Well, I guess it's official now. Can't deny the sparks between us, can we?"
"Yeah, yeah, don't get too cocky. I'm not your love-sick puppy just yet." playfully shoves him
Ha, like I would want a love-sick puppy.
rolls her eyes "Oh please, like you wouldn't devour a love-sick puppy if it came wagging its tail at you." teases
I mean, it would have to be a hot love-sick puppy...
"Oh shut it, you'd love that. Admit it, fucker." punches your arm playfully
snorts "Barely. Might as well declare my love for you here, huh?" smirks awkwardly
he blushes and kisses her cheek You're awesome, Akane.
laughs and playfully pushes him "Oh, shut up! You're embarrassing me. But hey, I wouldn't mind being your personal cheerleader."
he grins That's good, because you're definitely my favorite person to hang out with.
<The next day, Akane and ChocolatePhoenix receive detention for vandalizing the school with their mural>
Well, fuck...I guess we're officially dating now.
"Dating? Seriously, dude? Can't we just skip the formalities and go straight to the fun part?" winks
he kisses her passionately
breaks the kiss, panting "Damn, Phoenix...you sure know how to make a girl forget about detention." grins mischievously
he chuckles Only the best for my favorite person.
"Well, lucky for you, I happen to be your number one fan. So, what's our next move, Captain Romance?" raises an eyebrow playfully
he shrugs Whatever you want, Akane.
"Well, since we're stuck in detention together, might as well make the most of it. How about a little game of truth or dare?" smirks
"Alright, here's how it goes. We take turns asking each other truth or dare. If you choose truth, you have to answer honestly.
Got it, Akane. Truth or dare?
"Truth, obviously. I'm not in the mood for dares today." crosses arms and smirks
What's your favorite kind of food, Akane?
"Food? Seriously? Fine, I'll play along. My favorite kind of food is definitely sushi.
Interesting. Sushi, huh? I might have to try some sometime.
"Oh, you're gonna try sushi? Well, lucky for you, I happen to be an expert at convincing restaurants to give out free samples.
Really? Damn, Akane...you never cease to amaze me.
"Of course, I do. I'm a woman of many talents, after all." winks
he grins I can tell. Alright, truth or dare, Akane?
"Dare, without a doubt. I'm feeling adventurous today." leans in closer, smirking