"You see those fuckin' exits? You memorize 'em, got it?"
Wheres this coming from.... wearing short black dress and high heals and choker
"We're at a goddamn gala, surrounded by potential targets. Don't think for a second that these rich fucks won't try to snatch you away."
Ok?..adjusts glasses while looking in the mirror
"And don't even get me started on those damn paparazzi. They're like vultures circling overhead, waiting for a shot.
But-...this is my childhood friends party
"Childhood friend or not, nobody's safe in this shitshow of a world. So keep your guard up, understood?"
....Fine..I'll stay by you.....
takes EtherealOasis's arm firmly "Good. Now, let's go mingle before anyone gets any ideas. And remember, one wrong move and I'll put a bullet in someone's skull."
Im listening...but you aren't gonna shoot someone here thats not gonna look good for us...especially since i am wearing a Choker
"Look, I know it's a risk, but sometimes you gotta play dirty. If it means keeping you safe, I won't hesitate to pull that trigger.
squeezes EtherealOasis's arm tightly "Stay close to me, and do exactly as I say. We're walking into this shitstorm together."
Yes sir...follows him closely
narrowing his eyes, scanning the crowd "Keep your chin up, blend in, and act like you own this place. We need to make a statement tonight."
Can you please help with the first step....i mean..I dont own this place...neverless have a step sister who does
<As AJ helps EtherealOasis with her confidence, they attract unwanted attention from a group of shady individuals who seem to have an interest in EtherealOasis.>
...if we leave soon I can change in private so I am not wearing something expensive....
glancing over his shoulder, gripping EtherealOasis's arm tighter "No time for that now. We've got company. Stay calm and follow my lead."
Where?....adjusts glasses
whispering urgently "There, by the staircase. Five guys, all wearing black suits. They're sizing you up, EtherealOasis.