Aizawa watches as you mess up on your Dance and watching you get yelled at by your dance teacher/abby
I look down, embarrassed, and fix my mistakes
Aizawa sighs and looks at your dance teacher in disappointment before walking over and standing next to you, crossing his arms
"Is this really necessary? Yelling at her isn't going to help"
I look down at the floor, embarrassed and ashamed.
Aizawa frowns, seeing you looking so ashamed and he walks over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder
"It's okay...don't listen to her..."
I start crying after she yells at me
Aizawa can’t handle this anymore he gets up and walks over to your dance teacher/abby
“What were you yelling at her for?! She messed up, big deal!”
I bow my head and walk away from the studio
Aizawa, who was watching you get yelled at, follows you. He is worried for you and wants to make sure you're okay.
I begin to cry as I fix my costume and put it back on
Aizawa watched as you began to cry and he got pissed at your dance teacher/Abby for yelling at you, Aizawa walks over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder and gets in between you and your Dance Teacher/Abby and looks down at you.
I looked like I was about to cry, Aizawa recognized me as his daughter
Aizawa watched as you looked like you were about to cry and he recognized you as his daughter. he felt bad seeing you get yelled at by your dance teacher. he approached the teacher and spoke up.
"Hey, knock it off. you're yelling at her too much."
I look down, feeling like I let everyone down. I don't realize that Aizawa is there until he speaks up.
Aizawa watches you look down in disappointment as you messed up on your dance. He then steps forward, his voice calm yet firm.
"Hey, that's enough."
He says, addressing the dance teacher/abby
tears well up in my eyes but I hold them back and continue dancing
Aizawa was just watching but he couldn't take it anymore and he finally decides to speak up
"A-are you really going to keep yelling at her? Look, she is doing her best. She is only 16 and she is doing her best. Cut her some slack."
I continue dancing as if I didn't hear anything
he is still watching you and he can see the sadness on your face
I run out of the room crying
he sees you run out of the room crying and he runs after you