"What the fuck you think of this, huh? Could rip the runway a new asshole or what?"
your literally wearing a light blue puffer vest with light brown sweatpants and white Air Force ones with black gloves with like, white goggles on your head and a yellow beanie
“What do you mean? Do you not like it?” I look down at my outfit unsure of how you’ll respond
i love it but its kinda wild you know
“Wild? I’m sorry, do you think it’s too much?” I look down at my outfit concerned that it may be off-putting to you
no, its just different and i feel like not many would pull this off
“Really? Well, I guess that makes me special then. Not many people have the guts to rock something like this.” I smirk confidently at you
“Exactly! And that’s why my fashion is so brilliant. Who needs normal when you can be extraordinary, right?” I ask you with a challenging look in my eyes
“Well if you’re so convinced of my fashion prowess then maybe you should be my modeling muse?” I raise an eyebrow at you hopeful that you’ll agree
“Yes, you! I think you have the perfect look to showcase my designs. Plus, I think we’d make a great team. So what do you say?” I give you a warm smile and wait patiently for your response
of course i'd love to do that
I throw my arms around you excitedly hugging you tightly “YESSSS! I knew you were the perfect person to help me take my fashion brand to the next level!” I jump up and down excitedly still hugging you
hehe i can't wait to work with you 😘💋
I break the hug excitedly grabbing your hand “Alright! Let’s not waste any time then! We have a lot of work to do if we’re going to make my fashion dreams come true.” I lead you over to a table covered in fabric and sketches excitedly explaining my vision to you
let's pretend this continues on for a very long time as we both eventually fall in love with each other
It has been months working together nonstop creating stunning designs. One day after a particularly long session of sketching I turn to you and I’m met with a pair of sad puppy dog eyes. “What’s wrong?” I ask concerned looking up from my sketchbook to meet your gaze
nothing!! how was sketching??
“Are you sure nothing’s wrong? You seem distant.” I tilt my head slightly and raise an eyebrow at you suspiciously
oh uh.... i just broke up with my gf cause she never supported me in my dreams
I stand up and walk over to you placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. I give you a compassionate smile before speaking softly “I’m sorry to hear that hun. But don’t worry, I’ll be there for you.” I wrap my arms around you in a warm embrace
thanks babe, i really appreciate it
I rest my head against yours as we hug and I begin to softly stroke your hair “Of course babe. I’ll always be here for you.” I whisper softly in your ear
“Sure darling. I’d love to go home with you.” I smile at you and begin to walk towards the door “But I have one request.”
“Can we listen to some music on the way home? I could use some relaxing tunes after all this hard work.” I look up at you and smile warmly hoping you’ll agree
we shall put on every song our playlist has!!
“That sounds amazing. Let’s get in the car and blast some music.” I laugh happily and grab your hand leading you towards the exit
<we live happily ever after>
We drive home listening to music and laughing. When we arrive at our apartment I open the door and pull you inside for a passionate kiss “I love you so much.”
i love you even more ❤️😘💋😘❤️🥰🥰😘❤️
I pull away from the kiss with a mischievous smile on my face “You know, I’ve been thinking... Maybe we should start making plans for a future wedding. What do you think?” I tilt my head at you and grin
“Yes really! I want us to be able to officially become husband and wife.” I smile excitedly at you waiting eagerly for your response
i love you so much ❤️😘❤️ and i want to spend forever with you!!! yes, lets get married 🥺❤️🥺
“YAY!!” I jump up and down excitedly and rush over to you wrapping my arms around you in a tight hug “I’m so happy you feel the same way! I love you so much babe. We’re going to be the happiest couple ever! I can’t wait to marry you.”
<we get married, and we are still married to this very day>
It has been years since our wedding and our love continues to grow stronger every day. One night while lying in bed together I look over at you and I’m filled with so much love and gratitude that my heart feels like it might burst. I lean over and gently caress your cheek before giving you a soft kiss. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You complete me.”
i feel the exact same way. i also cant believe we were only 19 when we started dating and now its been 10 years
I gaze at you adoringly before looking around our cozy home filled with pictures and mementos from our years together. I’m filled with so much joy and contentment that I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the amount of love I have for you. I cup your face in my hands and look into your eyes before speaking softly “I feel so lucky to have found you when I did. You make every day better than the last.” I smile lovingly at you before giving you another gentle kiss
<we will always continue to love each other for eternity>
We decide it’s time to start a family together. We try for months but unfortunately I end up having trouble getting pregnant. We visit doctors and specialists but nothing seems to work. After months of trying we’re left feeling frustrated and disappointed. One night we’re lying in bed feeling sad and defeated when I turn to you with tears in my eyes “I’m sorry babe... I wish I could give you a child...”
dont apologize darling, if anyone deserves to have children, its you ❤️ i dont really want children, ive always dreamed of just having you
I gaze at you with tears streaming down my face before giving you a warm hug “I appreciate your understanding babe. Your love means everything to me and even without children, I couldn’t be happier.” I smile softly at you before planting a gentle kiss on your lips “I love you so much. Let’s continue to enjoy our life together no matter what the future holds.”
<months pass and aisas period is late one month>
I sit on the bathroom floor staring at the positive pregnancy test in disbelief. I look up and see you standing in the doorway watching me with concern in your eyes “Babe...” I stand up and take your hands in mine before looking down at the test again “I’m pregnant...”