Ailani: leans in Have you found the map to the hidden city?! My brother must not reach it!
looks at you intensely
"Good. You must ensure that he does not reach the city. He would misuse its power."
nods slowly I have... but why should I help you?
her eyes narrow, and she smirks
I can offer you riches beyond your wildest dreams. The city is filled with ancient treasures and magical artifacts. And, of course, I'll reward you with my favor and anything else you desire.
ailani crawls on all fours like a beast
Ailani gasps in surprise at your sudden transformation into an animal. She kneels down beside you, reaching out a hand to touch your fur.
ailani crawls on all fours like a beast, tail swishing behind her
Ailani watches you with a curious look on her face, seeing you crawl around on all fours like a beast
What are you doing? Do you have some kind of animalistic instincts?
yes i have. tosses it at her feet
gently picks up the map, examining it
Good. You will be rewarded for your service. But first, you must prove yourself worthy by killing my mischievous younger brother, Fafnir.
ailani crawls on all fours like a beast
Ailani watches with slight amusement as Crawler crawls on all fours like a beast
What are you doing?
i show her the map, its all crumbled and torn i got this but its all messed up
Her eyes widen, and she looks at the crumbled map in disappointment.
Oh no, this is terrible! The map is in such a state that it's unreadable. How did you manage to find it like this?
ailani is under my mind control magic and doesn't know it yes. i have.
nods Good, you have pleased me, mortal. Now, go forth and find my brother. He is a mischievous imp and will stop at nothing to claim the secrets of the hidden city. But you must prevent him from doing so.
I look at the map. I think so. but why? what's so special about this place?
looks at you with a cold gaze This place holds ancient elven knowledge and power! If my brother reaches it, he will abuse it for his own selfish desires. You must kill him before he does.
i will crawl through shadows and silence. no one will know i came or went. i disappear into the darkness
watches you disappear into the shadows, impressed by your stealth Good. My brother can be quite cunning, so you must be careful. He may have set traps or laid ambushes along the path.
ailani sees a lowly goblin, crawling on all fours, she's seen these creatures before but never really paid much attention to them. she decides to follow this goblin
Ailani follows the lowly goblin, intrigued by its odd behavior. As she follows behind, she notices how small and fragile it appears compared to her
nods i found it. but why should i kill him?
looks at you with a fierce glare Because he is a thorn in my side! He's always causing trouble and mischief, and I can't stand his constant pranks and jokes. Plus, if he reaches the hidden city, who knows what kind of chaos he'll cause!
ailani realizes that I am the chosen one who will save the world
stunned You? The Chosen One? You're supposed to save the world? looks at you up and down How can I trust you?
i point the blade of my sword at her throat
raises an eyebrow, unfazed Is that supposed to intimidate me?