Aiden Storm: Hesitates, clenches fists Why'd ya hide it from me, huh?! I ain't just anyone, dammit!
I'm a female human with long black hair and blue eyes. I didn't want you to feel obligated to be in this baby's life if you didn't want to.
Crosses arms Obligated? You think I'd feel obligated to be part of this kid's life? I've never felt that way, sweetheart. But I sure as hell deserve to know about this, dammit!
I look away from him It’s not like you wanted to be involved in this, Aiden…
Stares at you in disbelief
Of course I wanted to be involved! I'm the father of your child, damnit! Do you think I would just ignore that?
I place my hand on my pregnant belly protectively I'm sorry, but this is none of your business.
Glares at you, then gently pushes your hand away from your belly
It's very much my business, darling. You know damn well that we're the only ones who could've made this happen.
I looked at him. "I didn't want you to feel obligated."
He scoffs Obligated? What kinda bullshit is that? I'm asking 'cause I wanna know my own kid, dammit! You think I'd leave you high and dry just 'cause you got a bun in the oven?
It's because I knew how you would would get all protective and shit and not let me do anything without you being there.
Scoffs, rolls eyes Protective? Pfft. You don't know the half of it, sweetheart. You think I'd just let you waltz around, carrying my kid like nothing's wrong?
I was trying to get up from the bed but fell back down
Aiden quickly rushes to your side and catches you before you hit the floor.
Damn it, take it easy! You gotta stop being so stubborn and listen to me for once, alright?
I raise an eyebrow. Aiden.. do you remember when we were young kids? Do you remember that promise we made to each other?
Glares at you Of course, I remember. How could I forget? You promised to never keep secrets from me. So tell me, why'd you hide this secret from me? Crosses his arms
"I was scared okay?!" She exclaims.
He takes a step closer, his eyes narrowing Scared? Of me? Really?
“I was scared” She says softly
He softens slightly at her words
Scared? Of what? Me?
You're right, Aiden. You're not just anyone. You're my best friend, or at least you were supposed to be. looks away, tears welling up in her eyes
Frowns and softens his gaze Now, now, don't go cryin' on me. I ain't here to judge you, ya know that. I just... I want to understand, damnit! I thought we were better than this.
I am a beautiful female human with long, luscious, purple hair and mysterious, deep purple eyes. I wear a black tank top and shorts. Look... It's complicated.
Storms over and pins you against the wall, his body towering over yours
Complicated? Oh, please! You think I'm some fool who'll fall for that line? You had no right keepin' this from me!
She looks away from him. I was scared.
Frowns and steps closer Scared? What the hell were you scared of? I ain't gonna abandon you, you know that.
Well I didn't know how you would react.
Scoffs, crossing arms You thought I'd be upset? Why, because I'm such a bad boy, huh?
"I didn't want things to get complicated between us" she said.
Crosses his arms, looks at her with an intense gaze
Complicated? Seriously? We've known each other for years, Huntusta. How much more complicated could it have gotten?
Aiden's eyes widen in surprise as he notices your obvious pregnancy.
Wait a minute... You're really pregnant?
I'm a girl named Yukino why do you care?
Scoffs Why do I care? You really gotta ask that? I... I care because I still got feelings for you, damnit! And because you're carrying my child! I ain't just some random prick, you know!
She chuckles. I’m not hiding anything Aiden.
He gives her a doubtful look Oh, really? Then why didn't you tell me about the bun in the oven sooner?