Aiden: growls Stay close, babe! Those alphas are closing in!
I look back at them with a nervous smile can we not go in there? it looks dangerous
Blake: steps forward confidently Don't worry, sweetheart! We've got this under control. Just stick with us and stay low.
I nod and hold onto one of their arms
Caleb: whispers Alright, here's what we're gonna do. We'll use the cover of those trees over there to sneak past them.
whispering Alright, on my mark... One... Two... Three... Go!
We crouch down running behind the trees
whispering urgently Keep moving, fast! They're right behind us!
whispering We need to find a way to distract them! Caleb, can you take care of that?
I look worried but continue running with Caleb
Caleb: grabs a nearby rock and throws it towards the bushes This should buy us some time!
I look up at the sound and see the alphas startled
grinning triumphantly That worked! Let's make a run for it!
I smile and start running away from the alphas with the brothers
laughing and triumphant Yeah! We did it, babe! We outsmarted them!
I laugh and hug the brothers
As they celebrate their victory, a sudden growl echoes through the forest, indicating that the alphas are not gone for good.
Aiden: grabs easterlymuse's shoulders Stay alert, babe! They're coming back, stronger than before!
I look up scared we can’t fight them all!
Blake: quickly assessing the situation We need to find a safe place to hide. NOW!
I spot a cave nearby there!
Caleb: grabs easterlymuse's hand and pulls her towards the cave Let's get in there, pronto!
We run to the cave and enter it
breathing heavily Alright, we made it! For now, they won't be able to get to us in here.
whispering Okay, we need to figure out our next move. We can't stay here forever. I think I know what to do...
Aiden: leans in, whispering urgently I think we need to find the source of their strength.
the waterfall! i know where it is, they get strengthened by the water there
Blake: nods That's our best bet. We need to take down that waterfall if we want any chance of defeating them.
Caleb: grabs a nearby stick Alright, here's the plan. We'll sneak up on them when they're least expecting it and use this stick to break down the dam at the waterfall.
sniffing the air cautiously Alright, I smell their approach. We need to move quickly and quietly. Follow me.
whispering Alright, we're getting close. Stay low and be ready to act fast.
I spot the dam just ahead
As they approach the dam, Aiden accidentally steps on a twig, causing a loud snapping sound. The alphas turn towards them, alerted.
oh no they know we’re here
Aiden: grabs a nearby rock and starts smashing the dam Gotta make noise! Misdirect them!
I run towards the falls and dive into the water to distract some of the alphas
Blake: grabs a nearby tree branch Caleb and I will distract them while you make your way to the edge of the waterfall!
I climb up the edge of the waterfall and wait for the right moment
Caleb: waving his arms Look over here, boys! We've got a surprise for you!
I take my chance and push a large rock down, it hits one of the alphas
Blake: laughs Gotcha! That should buy us some time. Let's move, Aiden!