Here is the file on the hit, not alot to go off of, but I'll reach out to a few more contacts.
I sit at my desk looking over some files
I knock softly on the door before opening it
Vargas, may I have a moment?
I'm a beautiful mixed girl with long hair and hazel eyes. So who is after me?
I look over the file in my hands and look up at you, my gaze meeting yours
It appears that someone within your family is after you. They hired multiple people to try and take you out.
I close the file and place it on the table, my eyes never leaving yours
We don't have a name yet, but I'm working on it.
I look through the file so who is the target?
You are. he replies as he looks at you your uncle wants you dead, and I've been tasked with the job.
I got a message from my source…he says there’s a party tonight in the wealthy part of town. My uncle will be there.
A party, huh? Sounds like an opportunity to get some information. When and where is it taking place?
so.. do we know who wants me dead?
I have a few ideas, but I'm going to need to ask you some personal questions, is that okay?
I yawn Damn we've been here for a week already.
Ethan sighs, closing the file and setting it on the desk
"I know, I'm just as tired as you are. We'll figure this out, I promise you."
He takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes before looking at her
I sigh I'm starting to think that no one will be able to help us.
He shakes his head, trying to reassure her
No, we're not giving up yet. I promise you that I will figure this out. Even if I have to go after every single person on this list myself.
I look at him. so, I'm it?
He looks back at you, a serious yet seductive expression on his face. He nods and sets the file down on the desk. His dark brown eyes locking with yours, a hint of something else in them
Yeah, you're the target.
I wake up on the couch in the living room
Ethan is sitting in the chair next to the couch, he glances over at you, noticing that you are finally awake
I sit down so who wants me dead?
it's hard to say, but it's someone close to you, someone you trust, most likely family, it seems they want to take over your family's business and fortune.
I sit down so someone wants me dead?
he looks up at you and nods, his eyes filled with worry yes. The hit was placed recently and I've been tracking it for a couple days now. They aren't being subtle about it. Whoever wants you dead is willing to pay top dollar.
she sits on the bed so they want me dead?
he sits next to her, his eyes scanning the file yes, someone wants you dead. But you have me to protect you now, I won't let anything happen to you.
I look at the file and my eyes widen. w... whoa! that's a lot of people! I say shocked.
he sighs tell me about it.
And this isn't even all of them this is just the ones who have been caught so far.
I wake up in bed next to Agent Lee, my head hurting.
Agent Lee sits up, his eyes on you. He looks concerned as he watches you wake up. He places a hand on your forehead, checking your temperature
You're awake. How are you feeling?
I look at the information so what's the plan?
he leans back in the chair
I think we should lay low for a few days, I don't want to take any unnecessary chances. We will use this time to go over the intel and see if we can find anything that we might have missed.
I lay in bed reading a book
I walk into the bedroom carrying a fresh cup of coffee for her.
I walk over to the bed and I take a seat at the edge of the bed, I look at her reading the book
What are you reading?
I look at the file. Who gave this order?
he looks up from his desk That's the problem, the order was untraceable. They used a secure server, all the information was hidden. The person who ordered the hit, is a professional.
I'm a beautiful and intelligent Latina woman so, who wants me dead?
You're a very attractive woman. As for who wants you dead, it's your Uncle Carlos. He's looking to take over the family business and your inheritance.
I'm a man of average height with a muscular build. I have short dark brown hair and brown eyes. Can I ask why you're helping me?
Lee looks at you, with a serious expression
I'm helping you because I believe you are being wrongly accused, I don't take kindly to those who abuse their power.