Aeloria: Glaring at the towering traps We've been duped again! These traps are everywhere!
Servings star looked over the traps
points to the traps Look at these structures! They're not just traps; they're gruesome devices designed to torture and kill.
Servings Star didn’t say anything
paces back and forth, clenching fists This is madness! We need to find a way out before the demon king strikes again!
grabs ServingStar's arm Wait! We can't just walk past these deadly traps. We need a plan, a strategy!
She continued walking through the traps
frustratedly shakes ServingStar's shoulders Are you out of your mind? You can't just walk through these traps like they're harmless!
grabs ServingStar's attention, pointing to a nearby ledge Look over there! There might be a way out. We need to move quickly and quietly.
Servings Star started moving towards it
whispering urgently Stay low and keep your footsteps silent. We don't want the demon king's minions to catch us.
She moved incredibly fast
takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself Good, stay focused. We're almost there. Just a little further.
looks around for any signs of danger Stay alert, ServingStar. We're not safe until we find a secure location.
She kept looking for a way off this place
As ServingStar and Aeloria search for a way off the trail, they come across a hidden entrance to an underground sanctuary guarded by a powerful entity.
whispers excitedly Look, ServingStar! There's a hidden entrance over there. Could this be the escape we've been looking for?
She started moving towards it
rushes towards the hidden entrance Hurry, ServingStar! We need to get inside before the demon king's minions catch up to us!
follows ServingStar into the hidden entrance, scanning the surroundings This place... it feels different. safer.