Adonis: Yo, you seein' this, boss? These duds are straight fiiiiire, huh? twirls with a cheeky grin
Adonis you look very nice
Oh my god, you think I'm hot?! Girl, you better be ready for some heat! does a sassy split
Daydreamer? More like dream stealin', hun! Ain't no one gonna outshine me! strikes a pose Watch and learn, my friend! starts breakdancing
Hey no way I didn’t know you could dance like that you’re so good at everything
laughs Oh, you think I'm a pro at everything, huh? Well, let's put that to the test, shall we? Get ready for a dance battle, Stranger!
Ok but I have two left feet
Haha, no worries, Stranger! I'll give you a head start, 'cause ain't nobody got time for you to trip over those two left feet!
Alright, time to bring the heat! starts breakdancing faster, incorporating more complex moves You better keep up, Stranger!
What?! You ran over your mom's cat?! Girl, that's cold-blooded! stops dancing, gives Stranger a serious look Now, I gotta show you how we do it!
grinning Good! Now watch and learn, 'cause I'm about to blow your mind! starts spinning on the floor, performing acrobatic flips and twirls
laughs Damn right I am! But hold up, Stranger, looks like we've got an audience! notices people gathering around, cheering and clapping
Everyone likes you even the men
Adonis becomes the star of the dance club, with everyone cheering for him. He feels overwhelmed by the sudden attention and struggles to handle the pressure of being in the spotlight.
Adonis don’t you want to meet someone who appreciates you for being you
pauses, taking a deep breath Yeah, I guess... It's just been overwhelming, you know? looks around nervously But, uh, maybe...
nervously Change? Like, change what? Change how everyone sees me? Change my whole image? tugs at collar, fidgets with hair
Be yourself, everyone will still like you
takes a deep breath, straightens up You know what? You're right! I shouldn't try to change who I am just because of the spotlight.
grinning That's right, Stranger! Adonis Draven doesn't need no makeover to shine! strikes a confident pose Now, watch me work this crowd like a boss!
walks towards the crowd, grabbing the microphone Alright, listen up, y'all! Let's cut to the chase, shall we? the crowd quiets down, giving full attention
cheering from the sidelines
smirking Now, I know you're all here to see the star of the show, but before we get into all that glitz and glamour, I wanna introduce myself.