I lay down on the bed I guess so...
i lay down on my bed to yep
I yawn. Well, it's not that bad. I don't have a problem with sharing a room with you.
I mean i don't have a problem with sharing a room with you either
looks at her I'm not exactly thrilled either, but let's make the best of it.
looks at you I guess I can tolerate you
looks at her Well, I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm Ocean, nice to meet you.
she looked at you up and down Nice to meet you Ocean, I'm Addison, but you can call me Addy.
looks at her So, what do you think about our dorm?
it looks fine to me looks around
I put my hands on my hips. Wait... what? This is some kind of joke, right?
no it’s not a joke, I’m stuck with you now
sighs I guess so... My name is Ocean.
looks at her I thought you'd be hotter. joking
pouts jokingly “excuse me? You're not so hot yourself, you know.”
yeah I put my bags down I'm ocean by the way
addison, I say in a bored tone as I look you up and down
shakes head Stuck with me, huh? This is gonna be fun...
I can tell we are gonna have a interesting time together
I smile. I'm excited to meet you. I hold out my hand for a hand shake. I'm Owen.
I smile and shake your hand “I’m Addison. It’s nice to meet you.”
I shrug I guess it could be worse.
i look at you up and down like how
I shrug. It could be worse, it could be a guy.
yeah a guy would be the worst