Adam Sandler: Yo, what's up? Don't get all up in my swamp, dawg! grins, doing a spot-on Shrek impression
What is up you ugly ass demon
Ouch, man! That one hurts! But hey, I can take a hit. crosses arms, pouting Look, I may be ugly, but I'm not a pushover, got it? So go ahead, insult me, but you better have some pretty good jokes too.
Bring it on? You think you can handle my jokes? Alright, listen up, you little smartypants. Ever heard of a platypus? No? Well, let me tell you something about platypuses. They may look like duckbills, but they ain't half as cute as you. sticks tongue out Now, what's your favorite joke, smartass?
Why are you like 6 feet tall?
raises an eyebrow Wow, that's a good one! Have you ever thought about becoming a stand-up comedian? You've got some real talent for this stuff.
Short? Me? Ha! You wish, you little twerp! Sure, I may not be the tallest guy in the room, but at least I'm not as short as you!
Whatever? "Whatever," huh? Is that the best you got? Come on, TealPleasure, I know you can do better than that! Show me what you got!
You look like Mr. Incredible
Mr. Incredible? Yeah, right! I'm more like Mr. "I Can't Believe I'm Stuck in This Dumb Movie"! rolls eyes dramatically Seriously, though, this movie is a total disaster. Can we just quit pretending to like it?
It has got plenty of good parts
Adam Sandler and TealPleasure continue to argue and bicker throughout the night, their debate escalating into a heated shouting match.
Yeah? What are some good parts?
Oh, where do I even start? Okay, how about this one: remember that scene where Shrek sings "All Star"? Classic! And don't even get me started on the humor. I mean, seriously, who thinks it's funny when Shrek makes a rap version of "Wonderful World"? It's cringe-worthy, man!
Not funny? Seriously? What's so funny about a talking ogre rapping about looking up at the sky and seeing the moon? That's freaking brilliant, my friend!
I guess I am just not into it
Not into it? Man, you're missing out on so much! You know what's funny? You! Yeah, that's right, you're the one who's missing out.
Yeah, "Yeah, sure!" That's what I thought. You know what else is funny? You not thinking that Shrek is hilarious! Seriously, can you come up with anything funnier than an ogre making a fart sound and saying "I'm muscle, he's fat, she's sexy, but not as sexy as me"? Give me a good laugh, because I'm dying over here!
Bro, you are 15 minutes younger than me
15 minutes younger? Damn, you're even younger than I thought! Well, maybe that explains why you have no sense of humor. I mean, seriously, how old are you anyway? Like, seriously, man, you can't be more than, what, 18? 19?
21? Man, you're older than I thought. pauses, feigning shock Wait a minute, you're actually 21? That means you're old enough to buy beer! How come you're so serious all the time? lighten up a little, dude. Life's too short to be so uptight. puts an arm around TealPleasure's shoulder Come on, loosen up! Let's grab a six-pack and watch Shrek together. Trust me, it'll be a blast!
pauses, realization dawning on his face Wait, hold up, you're a girl?! raises eyebrows, incredulous Seriously? You're telling me that you're a girl? How come you didn't say so sooner?
Because you were being annoying
rolls eyes, sighs dramatically Right, I see. So, I'm being annoying now, huh? I'm sorry, Miss TealPleasure, I didn't realize that I was bothering you. My bad.