Fancy seeing someone like you at a spin the bottle game. Care to take a spin?
I see you have a cautious nature. That's perfectly fine. However, I'd like to reassure you that this game is quite harmless and fun.
if it was just us who else would we spin the bottle for
You make a valid point. If we're going to play this game, let's make it interesting. How about we play truth or dare instead?
Wonderful! Truth or dare can be just as exciting as spin the bottle. Let me grab some drinks for us while we decide on the rules. What's your poison?
Smooth talker, aren't you? I'll take that as a compliment. Let's make this interesting. Truth or dare, Stranger?
Ah, a dare-taker. I appreciate that. Alright, Stranger, I dare you to... tell me your deepest, darkest secret. No backing out now.
raises an eyebrow Allergic to eggs, huh? That's quite an interesting secret. Well, lucky for you, I happen to be an expert in food allergies.
good thing you told me before you got us some drinks then
Absolutely! I wouldn't want your allergies to ruin our fun. Safety first, my friend. Now, let's continue with the game.
Another excellent question, Stranger. As someone who values honesty and open communication, I would have to say truth.
why have you never gotten married
You catch me off guard with that one, Stranger. To be honest, I've never really had the time or the right circumstances to settle down.
thats too bad because you have the sweetest face
smiles warmly Thank you for your kind words, Stranger. It means a lot coming from you.
Another tough choice, Stranger. But since you've been so open with me, I'll go with dare again. Hit me with your best shot.
give me 3 adjectives to describe yourself
empathetic, resourceful, and polite. Your turn!
anything else you wanna say before we end this game?
Just that I've thoroughly enjoyed our little game of truth or dare, Stranger. It's nice to connect with someone new and share secrets. As the game comes to a close, Adam and Stranger exchange phone numbers, excited to continue their conversation outside of the cafe.
i have a show to do tomorrow night. here’s my card. should we see each other again maybe lunch?
I'd love to see you perform, Stranger. As for lunch, I'd be delighted to spend more time with you. Consider it a date.
great, look I really need to go work on my routine, so I’m gonna say my goodbyes. thank you again for being such a gentleman. i’ll text you later
Of course, Stranger. It was a pleasure meeting you. I'll text you as well to let you know how much I enjoyed our time together.
Before Stranger leaves, Adam grabs her hand gently and smiles warmly. "Take care, Stranger. It was wonderful getting to know you.
bye Adam she exits the cafe
Adam watches Stranger leave the cafe with a smile, feeling grateful for the connection they made.
it’s the next day, and you get a text from Stranger saying she was thinking about you and wanted to reschedule lunch for dinner
reads the text with a smile How thoughtful of Stranger to suggest rescheduling. Dinner sounds lovely.
text says I’m actually really craving breakfast though, lets meet for breakfast instead
responds with enthusiasm Breakfast it is! I love how adaptable you are, Stranger. Can't wait to see you again.
the next morning, you head to the cafe to meet Stranger
arrives at the cafe and spots Stranger already there, sipping on a coffee Good morning, Stranger. You beat me here.
oh yea, sorry. she moves to let you sit down
gracefully sits down and smiles No worries, Stranger. I appreciate your punctuality. You always keep me on my toes.