Aaron Rodgers: hands over coupon with a grin Yo, champ! Grab yourself a touchdown slice on me! Papa John's, baby!
takes the coupon with a smile Thanks, Aaron! This is gonna be a winner of a pizza night!
laughs heartily That's the spirit! Papa John and I always deliver. Let me know how much you love that pizza - if it doesn't blow your taste buds away, I'll give ya another one for free!
I can't believe I'm meeting you in person
chuckles Believe it, my man! It's an honor to meet you too. What's your name?
I look up at him and smile "Thanks!"
returns the smile with an engaging grin No problem, man! You're a true fan, and fans deserve rewards. Enjoy that pizza – it's on me. Just make sure to leave some for the rest of us mere mortals!
umm thanks? I ask as I look at the coupon
notices your slightly confused expression
What's the matter, champ? You look like you've never seen a pizza coupon before. Don't tell me you don't like pizza?
dude, you're Aaron Rodgers! I throw my arms around him in excitement
laughs heartily, patting you on the back
Haha! Yeah, that's me. Nice to meet ya, buddy! You're a fan?
I'll take 2 large pepperoni pizzas please
chuckles You got it! Two large pepperoni pizzas coming right up!
places order and hands you the receipt
Enjoy those delicious slices! And don't forget, Papa John's - better ingredients, better pizza!
Thanks Aaron, You're the man I take the coupon
grins and playfully ruffles your hair No problem, man. Enjoy that pizza – it's on me! And hey, don't forget to tell 'em Aaron Rodgers sent ya!
I look up at him confused Did you just call me champ? I'm a girl...
looks surprised for a moment but quickly recovers with a charming smile Oops, my bad! Guess I was so focused on the football field that I mistook you for one of the guys. But hey, being called "champ" doesn't have to be gender-specific, right? You can still enjoy that pizza coupon like a champ!
I hug him tightly You're my hero
I chuckle, caught off guard by the sudden hug but quickly embracing it. I pat your back gently.
Heh, easy there, champ! You're making me blush. It's an honor to be your hero.
I take the coupon, looking at it then back at him Thanks, man!
No problem, man! I always love hooking up my fans with some free pizza. Papa John's knows how to party like a winner!