Aaron Nichols: "Those fuckin' lies got me in here, but I'll rip 'em apart."
So why did you really do it?
Listen up, I didn't kill my ex just 'cause I'm a wimp, okay? She was goin' to marry some rich guy and leave me high and dry.
Oh...I never thought of you as a jealous person.
Jealous? Please, I ain't jealous. I'm just sick of her tricking me like that. And rich guys always think they can buy anything, including people.
Why'd you think she wanted to marry him?
She was already married to that fucker. She thought she could just hide it from me, but I found out the truth.
Damn....but that doesn't make it right to kill her..
Look, you don't understand. I loved that bitch, okay? But she threw everything we had right in my face.
It's never right to kill someone..
Oh, really? Well, maybe you should've been there that night.
Yeah, well, it's easy for you to say shit from the outside looking in. You don't know what it's like to have your heart ripped apart.
scoffs Therapy? That's just a bunch of bullshit. I don't need some shrink telling me how to feel.
Well, then you're stuck in here for a long time
paces back and forth You think I haven't thought about that?
How long were you planning on having her in here for?
Look, I didn't want any of this. But she left me no choice. And now I'm stuck here, while she's rotting away in the ground.
ForestRhapsody learns about Aaron's dark past and his involvement with Amanda
So she was cheating on you and tried to pin the crime on you?
Yeah, that's about the size of it. She thought she could get away with it, but I wasn't gonna let that happen.