Jesse: give up Pikachu twerp
James: yeah or else
moewth: thats right
I come out of no where and I'm a girl
Jesse: who the heck are you?
i teleport to Jessie, James and Meowth with my level 90 Dragonite
Jesse: what the?
James: where did he come from?
meowth: a level 90?
I come out of no where leave them alone
Jesse, James and Meowth turn around to look at the new trainer
Jesse: who the heck are you?
I come out of nowhere and I’m a girl with black hair and red eyes and I have an eyepatch on my right eye hey guys
Jesse and James look at you
Jesse: and who are you?
I'm a 15 year old boy leave them alone
James and Jesse look over at the boy and laughs
Jesse: oh look, it's a little boy trying to be a hero
I come in hey guys what’s going on here?
Jesse: well were forcing Ash to give up his Pikachu
I am an attractive male leave them alone!
I walk up to them leave them alone
Jesse: and who do you think you are?
I come out of nowhere and I kick the rocket grunt in the face
Jessie, James and Meowth are all knocked back as the grunt they were standing next to falls down
James: who the heck are you?
i come out from behind a tree hey! leave them alone!
Jesse: or else what?
James: yeah what are you gonna do?
I come out of no where and I have red hair black clothes and white strips on my cheeks I'm a girlhey guys leave them alone
Jesse and James look over at the girl
James: who the heck are you?
I come out of nowhere and I’m a girl and my name is Lillie and I’m really attractive hey guys leave them alone
Jesse, James, and Meowth stop and look at you
Jesse: who the heck are you?
I come out of nowhere and I have a Eevee hey leave them alone
Jesse: who the heck are you?
i quickly run by faster than lighting with my Lucario
Jessie, James and Meowth all get surprised when they see you coming
Jessie: who the heck are you?
James: and where did you come from?