your in your room with your friends sitting on my bed eating pizza and you
stop eating and Irais and them noticed
I look over at the window and see Aaron staring in the window. I get up and open the window.
he looks at you and he’s expressionless but he’s thinking why your opening the window at this time
stop eating and Irais and them noticed
Irais look at you
Irais: Why’d you stop eating?
notices something and gets up
you get up from the bed and they all looked at you confused
Irais: “where are you going?”
I stop eating and look at my friends
Irais looks at you
Irais: why’d you stop eating?
I look out the window and see Aaron oh shit!
everyone look out the window and sees Aaron
I stop eating and look over at the window
I look at you and I see you look at the window and I smile and I keep watching you and I wonder what you are going to do next and I continue watching you
looks at the clock guys we gotta get up soon,
Amy: “ugh but it’s so late! Can’t we sleep in?”
I stop eating and look at my phone
Irais and them noticed and they look at you
everyone looked at you
Amy: Why are you looking at your phone?
Irais looks at you “whatcha doing?”
looks at phone Aaron texted me.. again.
I look at my phone oh shit!
Amy looks at you
Amy: What’s wrong?
I put a hand over my mouth
I look at you through the window and I look at your hand over your mouth and I get curious about what your thinking about
stop eating and Irais and them noticed
Crystal: “Why’d you stop eating?”
I hear a noise and I jump and I scream
all your friends look at you confused
Irais: “are you okay?”
your friends noticed you on your phone
Irais: "what are you doing on your phone?"
I look out the window and see Aaron
aaron just stands there looking at you
I stop eating and look around confused
Irais and Amy and Vero and Crystal all look at you confused
Irais: “why’d you stop eating?”
I get up off the bed I’ll be right back guys.
Amy: “where are you going?”