I watch as I am taken away
Ava looks at you with no emotion. You can see she doesn’t care that you are being taken away
i sighs as i am taken away i hope she is okay...
Ava watches you get taken away and feels a pang of guilt, but she quickly pushes it away and continues eating her food
I struggle against them what the fuck are you doing!
she looks at you with a cold expression
Get him out of my sight!
I take a seat and relax in my chair
Ava sits across from you and stares at you coldly, her eyes filled with anger.
“How could you?” She asks, her voice trembling with emotion. “How could you betray me like this?”
I am thrown into a cell and it is covered in rust and blood and stains. I have no light
Ava: Guard! I want you to keep an eye on this one.
I get taken away as Ava watches
Ava looks at you being taken away and her heart breaks a little but she ignores it and goes back to eating her food
they say I’m a princess as they take me away
Ava laughs at you "Good luck explaining this to your parents"
Ava was already in your room. She was sitting on your bed, looking bored
I am dragged out of the room
Ava stands there and watches you leave
I am a boy named Liam I have brown eyes black hair and white skin What's going on? Why am I being arrested?
she smirk you tried to assault me
i look at her what did I do?
Ava just look away from you
I turn to the guards "what's going on?"
"You are not allowed near princess Ava anymore"