throws some flour at you hahaha!
I dodge it and smile playfully "Alright, alright, I get it! You're the queen of the kitchen!"
giggles "Damn right I am! And don't you forget it!"
smiles back you look dumb with flour on your face
I get covered in it as I laugh "heheh! OK OK, I give up, you win!"
“HA! I told you I would win!” I give you a cocky grin and a laugh as I look down at you all covered in flour
I wipe my face off with a towel
laughs at you hahaha! You look funny!
I continue making the cookies with her
smiles while she continues to make the cookies
I dodge to the side What the hell Milla?
laughs just having a little fun, that’s all.
I laugh, and then cover her in a blanket of flour
she laughs and tries to get out of the blanket no! Stop!
I throw some more, starting a flour fight
I laugh and throw even more, the kitchen becoming a messy battlefield of flour
I throw more at her I'm winning
laughs and throws more no I am
I dodge Ha! Got any more tricks up your sleeve?
pulls out a bag of flour want more?
I pick up some flour and throw it back at her
laughs and throws more flour at you
I throw a bit of flour back at her, our playful sibling banter continues
I try to get away, giggling, but you catch up to me and throw more flour at me nooo, stop it!
I throw more flour back at her
laughs and grabs a bag of sugar and throws it at you
laughs and tries to dodge hey! don’t get any in my hair!!
I grab some of the dough and I make a snowball out of it and throw it at her
I dodge it and I laugh you missed me!
I get hit right in the face, it causes me to stumble back coughing ah-!
laughs hysterically hahaha!! That was hilarious!
I'm gonna get you back for that I say as I get more flour
oh noooooo I say jokingly and pretend to be scared