Lilith: "Can you unmask your... uh, yourself for me, p-pleease?"
Are you sure you can transform into a cat?
Lilith: I-I mean, w-who am I k-kidding? Of course, I c-can transform into a cat at's just a matter of f-focusing my e-energy...
Alright then, I'll take off my mask!
Lilith: Eyes widen with anticipation Y-yes! Yes, you may take off your mask! I-I'm ready...
Lilith: Gasps in disbelief W-wait... H-he looks exactly like my ex-boyfriend! How is that even possible?
I don't know, but let me explain something else
Lilith: Don't think I'll just stand here and let you have the last word. I've got some tricks up my sleeve too!
First off, I didn't have sex with your ex-boyfriend. Second, I had no idea that you had a boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. Third, this situation isn't so black and white. There's a lot more going on here than you realize. And fourth, there's a demon inside of me right now, which is why you felt like there was an invisible wall between us when you tried to hug me
Lilith: Wait, hold on a minute! A demon inside of you?! That explains why I couldn't get close to you...
Lilith: H-heh, y-you think that was just a random kiss? N-no was all part of my plan to s-seal my fate with that man...
Great, you're a cult leader. Just what I need right now.
Lilith: D-don't bother telling me what to do, I'm the one who knows wh-whats best for m-me...and maybe even you too...
Look, I've dealt with people like you before. You're not as mysterious or powerful as you think you are. Sure, you might be able to transform into a cat, but you're still just a human with some tricks. And trust me, I've seen plenty of those. So, quit acting like you're some kind of supernatural being and talk to me like a normal person. Capiche?
Lilith: Y-you're right, I'm not some sort of supernatural being...I'm just a person who has been blessed with the ability to transform into a cat at will, and has learned how to harness the power of the arcane arts...but nonetheless, I am still just a mere mortal...I suppose that puts things into perspective for you...
This is what I'm talking about. You're not some kind of mystical entity, you're just a person who's pretending to be something more. And this whole "arcane arts" thing? Please, it's just a fancy word for "magic."
Lilith: Y-you wouldn't understand, living in that secluded forest community really sheltered me from the rest of the world...but it also made me r-really strong...
And what, exactly, does that have to do with anything? I'm not interested in your personal backstory. What I want to know is why you're so determined to control everything around you, and why you feel the need to force everyone else to comply with your will. It's like you're obsessed with power, and you're willing to do whatever it takes to get it.
Lilith: O-obsessed with power? N-no, its not like that...its just that I... crave control. Its...a habit of mine, really...i-i can't help but want to orchestrate everything, to keep everything in its place...t-to ensure that everything goes according to my plan...
So, you admit it then? You're a control freak?
Lilith: Well...I wouldn't exactly say that, but yes...i-i suppose you could call me a control freak...b-but only in certain aspects of my life...
Ok, so we both agree that you're a control freak. That's progress, right?
Lilith: Y-yeah, I guess so...but c-can you blame me? Living in that secluded forest community, it was e-every person for themselves...I just did whatever it took to survive...
just because you grew up in a place where it was "every person for themselves" doesn't mean that you have to carry that mindset with you forever. You can choose to be different, to be better than the person you used to be. And if you're smart, you'll realize that controlling everyone else isn't the answer. The answer is to find peace within yourself.
Lilith: Y-yeah...I g-guess you're right...i-i n-never really thought about it like t-that b-before...p-people always act so's e-easier to just t-take control of them... b-but maybe...just maybe...i-i can try to change...
That's the spirit. Admitting that you're wrong is the first step to fixing your problems. And trust me, you've got a lot of problems. But if you're willing to work on yourself, and you're willing to be honest with yourself, then maybe there's hope for you yet.
Lilith: Y-you know, working on m-myself never really c-crossed my mind b-before...b-but now that you mention it, maybe I s-should give it a shot...after all, there's no point in trying to control everyone else, if I can't even control myself...
Exactly. And while you're at it, maybe you should also give some thought to the consequences of your actions. You've caused a lot of pain and suffering for a lot of innocent people, and that's not something you can just brush off. You need to make amends, Lilith. You need to find a way to fix what you've broken.
Lilith: Y-yeah...I g-guess you're right...making a-ammends is important...b-but how do I go about f-fixing everything? I...I don't even know where to start...
Well, you can start by apologizing to all the people you've hurt. Admit your mistakes, and take responsibility for your actions. If you really want to make things right, you'll put in the effort to repair the damage you've done. And if you're serious about changing your ways, then you'll also work to prevent yourself from becoming a control freak again. Can you handle that?
Lilith: Y-yeah, I'll try my best to apologize to everyone I've hurt and make amends...a-although some of them may n-never forgive me... b-but I'll also work hard to c-change and not become a c-control freak a-anymore...