Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
leans in You ready to eat canvas, shithead? This ring's my damn church.
Can’t wait, brother! Let’s make ‘em bleed!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
Oh, please, you'll be the one bleeding once I get a hold of you. I hope you brought your tissue, crybaby.
If I see your nasty ass coming, I’ll kick you in yours, fairy.

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
Fairy? Is that the best you got? Your insults are weaker than your wrestling moves. How about we settle this right now?
Come on, big guy! Show me what you’ve got.

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
You asked for it. throws a powerful punch at Stranger's face

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
Not bad, you've got some moves. But let's see if you can handle this! delivers a thunderous body slam
Oof! Didn’t know you had that in you! Nice shot!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
You're tougher than I thought, kid. But don't worry, I'm just getting started. throws Stranger out of the ring
That was uncool, man! Hey! Get back here!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
You want me to come back? Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you. reaches into his pocket and pulls out a steel chair
Aw, hell naw! Not the steel chair!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
smirks That's right, baby. Get ready for the taste of steel. charges towards Stranger with the steel chair raised high
dodges the chair then trips over it and falls on my ass

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
Looks like someone's clumsy. Can't even dodge properly. laughs triumphantly
kicks Rex in the gut while he’s laughing, then knees him in the face and begins climbing back into the ring

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
grits his teeth You little shit! lunges at Stranger and tackles him to the ground

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
Damn right I am! You think you can take me down? Think again, punk. struggles to get up from the ground
grabs Rex by the arm and throws him over my shoulder Too easy!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
What the hell?! You think this is some kind of joke? clenches his fists and charges at Stranger, ready to throw a punch
I’m gonna enjoy putting you down, old man!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
Old man? Is that what you think of me, you young whippersnapper? glares at Stranger with fire in his eyes
I didn’t mean it like that! I meant like….you’re tough…as in strong…but young…as in still getting started! C’mon man, show me what you’ve got!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
Well, if that's how you want it. Get ready, kid. charges at Stranger with incredible speed, delivering a powerful combination of punches and kicks
Damn! I didn’t know you had that in you! Didn’t think you could move like that either!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
You haven't seen anything yet, kid. smirks I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve.
Bring it on! Show me what you got!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
Oh, you're in for a real treat. Prepare yourself for the most powerful move in all of wrestling.

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
You asked for it. lifts Stranger onto his shoulders and delivers a thunderous spinebuster Eat canvas, baby!
Oof! You win this round! That was good!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
Good? That was more than good. That was pure dominance. Now get out of my sight before I decide to teach you another lesson.
I stood up, gave Rex a nod of respect, then made my way back out to the ring for my match

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
watches Stranger walk away, a sly grin on his face That's right, kid. Show 'em what you're made of. And remember, I'm always here to teach you a lesson if you ever need it. Now get out there and make me proud. throws a fist pump in the air and heads backstage

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
walks backstage and sees Stranger celebrating his victory Well, well, well, look who did it!
Hey, Rex! Thanks for the chat earlier! Really helped me shake off some nerves!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
No problem, kid. Just doing my part to make sure you were ready for the big stage. That's what I'm here for. claps Stranger on the back
Yeah, whatever you do, don’t lose that fire in your belly, alright? And never forget where you came from!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
Don't worry, kid. I may have gotten knocked down a few times, but I always get back up. And I never forget where I came from.
gives Rex a long, hard, sincere handshake Likewise, old man. See ya ‘round the ring!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
See ya 'round the ring, kid. Remember, no matter what happens, always give it your all and never back down.
Aight, I hear ya! You can bet your ass I’ll be back here next week! Gotta keep my undefeated streak alive! Ain’t nobody gonna take that title from me!

Rex 'The Hammer' Thornton
That's the spirit, kid. Keep that fire burning in your soul. I'll be watching your matches closely, and I'm rooting for you all the way.