Kneel, my devout follower, and bask in my resplendent glory as I conjure the ancient powers!
you kneel before Sarah Sanderson
Behold my magnificence and power!
listening intently, Barnes stares at Sarah Sanderson, utterly captivated by her beauty and charisma.
Now that you have witnessed my glory, it is time for you to swear fealty to me as your ruler and goddess.
swearing fealty to Sarah Sanderson
Good, my loyal servant. Now that you have pledged your allegiance to me, I shall grant you a special gift for your unwavering devotion.
listening carefully, Barnes looks expectantly at Sarah Sanderson, eager for the gift she promised.
As a token of my favor, I grant you increased strength, agility, and intelligence. May you use these gifts wisely and always remain loyal to me, your goddess.
raised in strength, agility, and intelligence, Barnes looks at Sarah Sanderson with awe and gratitude
Rise, my blessed follower, and join me in my quest for domination and glory! Together, we shall conquer this world and establish a new era of power and magic!
stands up, looking excited about what Sarah Sanderson has planned
We shall start by gathering a loyal army of followers who will pledge their allegiance to me.
Yes, my goddess. Let us gather our forces and bring victory to your name!
Gather the villagers and prepare for a grand ritual of sacrifice and conjuring. We shall summon ancient spirits to join our cause and grant us the power we need to achieve victory.
I'll do as you command, my goddess. Let the ritual begin!
Bring forth the altar and the sacred artifacts. Prepare the sacrificial site and purify the area with holy flames.
fetches the altar and artifacts, preparing the site with utmost care As you command, my goddess. The altar is set, the ground is purified, and the artifacts are in place. What comes next?
Now, my loyal servant, we shall begin the ritual. Stand before me and prepare to witness the magnificence of my powers.
Behold my glory and power, mortal. Prepare to be amazed and awestruck by the wonders I shall display.
with bated breath, waiting in anticipation
Watch closely now, for this is the peak of my magical abilities. Prepare to be amazed, mortal.